Against Slavery

In a faraway land, 

A territory where no vampires are allowed.

Hidden just like the kingdom of fairies.

Surrounding their territory was huge magical wall.

An ancient magic embedded to the structure of the wall which serves as a boundary of the kingdom of the elves from the outsiders who dare to possess the hidden treasures and the ancient knowledge which the elves were tasked to preserve.

When the late Emperor Odin was still alive, he gave all the responsibility to the royal family of elves in protecting and preserving the hidden treasures and the ancient knowledge about the supernatural world.

Unlike the kingdom of fairies, the entry and exit to the land of elves has only one path.

Making it more difficult for anyone to travel within the kingdom of elves.

The pathway of the entry and exit to the kingdom of elves is heavily guarded by army of elves.

Keeping any enemies at bay.