Forces Clash

Gaeia was one of the most powerful ancient beings.

Being the queen of an extinct race and as one of the earliest supernatural creature, she was one of the most feared creature.

Even other ancient beings would not dare challenge her.

Though, when she laid five eggs… her powers and strength were greatly affected.

Reducing her true power and strength.

Enabling the queen of sirens and the seven seas to even take advantage of her predicament.

Which led to her demise.

Other remaining ancient beings felt the disappearance of Gaeia's aura.

Somewhere in between the underworld and the realm of the living… a huge gate was well guarded by one of the ancient beings.

Tasked to guard the sacred gate that connects the two realms.

Preventing any soul to pass through.

"GAEIA! WHY HAVE YOU BECAME CARELESS?" Nirdhon hissed while rubbing its own metallic scales with his own monstrous arms.