Interlude to 3-way Clash

[-In The Ancient Palace-]

Queen Mira stood in front of her army.

All of her soldiers kneeled in respect and reverence to their powerful queen.

They recognize her as the strongest and most powerful being among all creatures.

Being the queen of sirens and the seven seas granted her the access to the ancient weapon, THE TRIDENT OF POSEIDON.

Passed over through generations of ruler of the seven seas.

Aquano was the only aquatic creature that was close enough to Queen Mira's strength and power.

Their previous showdown proved their difference in strength and power.

Though, Queen Mira was weakened by her own affairs.

After losing her child, she tried to work along with the other monarch despite her lack of interest and compassionate towards the other creatures aside from her own people.

She believed that the aquatic creatures were far superior to the creatures of the land.