Battle of the Queens (Part I)

{-Queen Mira versus Selene and Melody-}

The queen of sirens and the seven seas declared her intention to kill Selene and her allies. For the sole purpose of securing her claim to the throne. 

Aquano and the other soldiers of Queen Mira were threatened and intimidated by the extraordinary aura of Selene, filled with unbelievable power and incredible prowess.

Instinctively, they were all in a defensive mode but their queen raised her hand. 

"No one will interfere!" Queen Mira's firm command to her army, including Aquano.

She added, "Aquano, I want you to secure the perimeter and do not let anyone interfere my battle if you do not want to see me upset. The entire army will be under your command while I finish this off."

Upon hearing the command of their queen, Aquano accepted their queen's orders and showed his utmost respect and fealty towards her.

"Your command shall be done, your Supreme Majesty!" Aquano reassured their queen.