Living in a dream

As King Falcon and his sky army descended from above, in their attempt to save Queen Venus and her younger sister, the army of Queen Mira and King Falcon began to clash.

"King Falcon? This is bad… the king of the skies have chosen to side with the chosen one," Aquano uttered in disbelief and disappointment.

{-Queen Mira versus Selene -}

The queen of sirens and the seven seas was giving her best in summoning the most destructive storm of all time that would devastate and obliterate the entire surface level.

At the same time, Queen Mira made sure that Selene would not interrupt her plans.

By putting her in a deep slumber of illusion.

In the middle of Queen Mira's summoning ritual, Selene was entirely unable to move nor comprehend anything around her. 

Completely devoured by the song of queen of sirens.


The queen of werewolves could not stop contemplating on her surroundings.