Before The Trial


Just outside the ancient palace, a wide and spacious courtyard extended widely all the way to the garden of the ancient palace could be seen, filled with the dwarven army and by the entrance of the ancient palace was the royal guards of Selene.

The clouds darkened and tension grew between Selene and King Gazelle.

Azure growled in King Gazelle's direction upon sensing Selene's reaction to King Gazelle's visit.

Then the other dragons were fast approaching as well. Their screech and presence became known as they glided towards Selene.

As the sunset orange-scaled dragon landed successfully and smoothly, followed by the gray-scaled dragon with spiky tails.

But the rustic brown-scaled dragon had the least control and directly landed on the other two dragons.

The three dragons rolled over and crashed to Azure.

And the four of them laid on the ground on top of each other.