Checking my Professor's SA


I sat in front of him. He was typing, pretending not to notice me. I talked to Professor about my schedule and the independent study I am going to undertake. He had a million reminders. As a transferee, I need to pull everything together so I can catch up with others. I need to take prerequisites and start to take graduate classes. Every day is draining but that is my decision. I got to adjust with this sched after weeks of taking these classes. I want to stand to my decisions. My two brothers betted on this putting their brand-new cars at stake. They are still thinking I cannot live up with my own decision and that I am still childish, young collegian. But I want to prove they are wrong. Cunningly, I want their new cars. So this decision hits two birds with one arrow.

I sat in front of him after I talked with Professor. He is busy typing copies of manuscripts on his side. The funny thing is that he types slowly. Not to overstate, he uses both index fingers to click the letters instead of using his fingers, I mean all his fingers including the thumbs. It is like an old, feeble assistant who has not used a keyboard for many years.

The way he clicks the keys caught my attention. While his index finger points the letter, his other fingers were positioned like the fingers of a lady who picks a dirty handkerchief that she accidentally dropped on a dusty floor. The other fingers were like programmed to point upwards or were like allergic, scared and sensitive parts that secure a distance away from something filthy. Or imagine a sassy rich girl holding stained white sneakers. He did exactly that way. I am still puzzled starting the first time I met him and until now I am witnessing that kind of action. I do not do that. Neither Professor nor Tom does. Plus, there is sway on his hips when he walked but it is not obvious when you do not pay closer scrutiny. I discovered it while I walk with him going to the dining hall. He is soft, effeminate and acts like a...You-know-what-I-mean.

Not to mention many who had a crush on me were gays. I am too humble to say 'a fraction'. They are actually uncountable. I do not hate them. I am not homophobic yet I cannot avoid getting uncomfortable if that person is a stranger. My gay friends, yes, I have a bunch of them, are not hiding 'it' in the closet; they are very open and ferociously wild. If this guy is gay, he's too reserve. Perhaps. Or maybe it is his way, not observable but closely observable. His actions tell me but it baffles me to the point that I want to ask him right now.

To praise him, I can say he is handsome but I prefer to say he is cute especially if it blends with his tan skin. It is not very tan, a mild tan like of a South American descent, I guess. His complexion is different from Professor's. Professor has a fair complexion; he has an olive skin tone. I imagine it is smooth and hydrated.

If I could tell what is running inside his mind, he is probably telling me he is very lucky to meet me and to sit with me in one table. Well, it is a quest to know. I will be spending months with his brother and that means he is 'MY' SA, too. To confirm my speculations, which now made me conclude he likes me, I did something while he is busy working. This is intense but certified effective. Actions echo louder than words.

I eye-browed him to non-verbally say 'hi' to a friend. I raise my eyebrows to better open my eyes and see his full non-verbal response. Then an immediate wink is a more reasonable way to complement my first move. That wink is just a fifth of a second and I can see his reaction though he pretended not seeing it.

He started playing songs on his CP. I am not a psychologist nor a body language expert but I know he is trying not to get distracted by me. It is a major response from unexpected Casanova moves. I know it is called a defense mechanism...

I ran my hand through my hair as I stared at him closely as possible without making nearer. I did that; it is possible. Gee, I realized I should never do this with my hair. The wax is so sticky and it disorders my hairstyle. I do not want to do this again; it feels like I put some glue on my hand. Gross! He likes to see it. He could not deny it with his blinking.

I did see him steal a glimpse. Certainly, I did.

He continued to play his music. I can lip read. He is singing 'Call Me Maybe' in tune mumbling his lips. I like it either, not the lips but the song! He scratches his head and shakes it, smirk a little and wiggle his knuckles three times or more. I continued to lure him to prove my 'theory'. Despite his make-believe camouflage and secret glances, he shows a blank face. This kid is a good actor; he plays it naturally.

I touched my cheeks and then my chin. I sounded my lips and open my mouth a little playing and showing an attractive look at him. I blended it with a smile and stabbing eyes though my eyes disappear when I smile. Let us just pretend my eyes are chivalric, though I know there is nothing to pretend. I moistened my lips by licking them then with a bite. Sounds erotic! This guy in front of me is the holder of the best pretender award. He may not totally see it but he is conspicuously stealing an eye on me. His eyes widened. I have seen it. His face is astonished and it is turning red. He is falling into my bait.

Gee, what am I doing? 😶 I have this feeling that I acted professionally, to be honest. 😏

My fierce conviction is growing stronger and positive. His gestures are too peculiar for a straight man to manifest. If this guy is straight then he should have punched me or kicked me out. Conversely, he is just sneaking through his eyes. I cannot turn in any direction and my eyes are locked unto him. He was ordinary but something behind me makes me feel that he is interestingly special. The way Professor treats him shows that he is exceptional and important. But basing on my perspectives that never fail, he is reasonably uncanny. I am prying and I do not want to stop being nosy to know if Professor's brother is straight or he lies somewhere in the middle.

I showed my last trick that I know the 'best of among all the moves' I did a while ago. This is what a man does to attract women. If the eyes cannot see, the skin can feel! (No touching, just feeling and connections).

I played with the buttons of my uniform trying to show some skin. I stroked my chest gently to flatter him and willfully catch his full attention though I know, from the first place, his attention the whole time. I am not boasting. It is intrinsic to me to bag attention from others.

Even pets playfully like me.

I have two pets actually.

He was swallowed by his temptation. He tried to hide his blushed emotion while he continued encoding the papers on the table. He can deny it by his ways of repressing his feelings and subjecting his attention to the monitor and to his playlist. His face is red and pink, I know those colors. Very funny but adorable.

Wait! Adorable? Did I mention it?

Spell bounded. Let me play the words..." he was under a charm that not only bewitches the vulnerable, like him, and frail-minded, like him, maybe, but also falls the prey into a hypnotic and oblivious state of unrestrained blunder and wonder". I am no wizard, just handsome. I could not deny it.

Denying is a sin! 😎

I am not boasting 😎

Neither do I bluffing it exaggeratedly.

I am no alien from an exo-planet; I am a human, a lucky product of natural selection with the perks of being cool and being good-looking.


This guy in front of me probably does not understand the reason why I sat here in front of him!