Chapter 6

I let the phone ring, i set it down and tried to find my old notebook, if i can find my notes from previous resets, i can show everyone how it works. I looked under the bed where it was last time, in a box of papers, supposed it disguise it as just crap, removing all the paper and looking at the cover of the notebook, the first page,

"March 17, XXXX, i have figured out that i have already lived this year, it has occured to me because my birthday arrived and everyone said the year i was previously, i thought it was i prank until i started to receive the same gifts and the next few day i found myself doing the same thing as the year before, i don't know how much longer this will last for, if it's really a prank or if something is happening i dont know of, that end this entry." the first page, how i look back on it now and think about how clueless i was.


Oh, he picked up, i grabbed the phone and started to gather my sanity,

"Hey, i was wanting to talk about what i want to put on the show" i said trying to sit down in the chair.

" What did you have in mind, darling." the voice said,

"So, me and my friends have made to deal with something called a reset on a worldly scale, we think we know what is causing it and we believe we can stop it."

I said realizing the star probably toned out right as I started.

"Worldly resets, Sounds like something that should be discussed with the king first."

The star sounded genuine, maybe he believed me,

"I got an idea to do that about an hour ago, I figured i'd check in here first."

I remember the note, 'tell the king', i'll do that after this.

"Alright, now just one more thing, who coming on stage to tell this"

I paused, 'crap', we didn't think about this,

"One second"

I started to type into the group chat with my friends about it

'I can go up, it would real convincing from a scientist'

My lizard friend messaged back.

"One of my other friends will be going up, she's been studying it for a while"

I said thinking about how that would look, maybe it would be better.

"Alright, message me their number and i can talk with them."

The bot said.

"Ok, thank you"


The phone hung up and I leaned into my chair, 'holy crap we are really going to do this'.