In Death We March

Garrett stared at the figure that had beckoned for him. The form was almost imperceptible and looked like the color of the smell of chocolate. That was the best way to describe it. Slowly, Garrett stood up onto the void and walked over to the desk. He took a seat down in one of the chairs and stared at the being that called for him.

"Would you like some tea?" The being reached down and pulled out a tea kettle from behind the desk. "It's been brewing for about 3.7 billion concepts." Garrett stared at the being, trying to understand what was happening. "No?" The being put the tea kettle back behind the desk. "Perhaps a soda? Or would you like some freshly squeezed mathematics?"

"Mathematics?" Garrett said, trying to make sure he heard the being correctly.

"Ah, that's not a popular one, but I have some ready."

The being made some gestures and a cup filled with the concept of numbers sat in front of Garrett. Not wanting to be too rude, Garrett gently picked up the cup and took a sip. It tasted like 3 with a hint of 1408 going down, but the aftertaste of 17 was certainly there. He set the cup down and looked at the being. The two of them sat for what felt like half of an eternity before Garrett found the strength in his vocal cords.

"Who are you? What are you? Where am I? What happened to me? What did I just drink? What's going on?" The barrage of questions spilled from Garrett's mouth faster than he could process himself saying them.

"This should help." The being reached what looked like a finger out and gently touched Garrett on the forehead. Instantly, Garrett's mind flooded with memories and emotions of his life as they flashed in rapid succession. The sudden impact of it all knocked him off his chair and on top of the white void below him.

"I'm dead?" Garrett asked, the strength slowly leaving his throat.

"Your life on your World has ended, yes, but that is not the ending of your story, or at least it doesn't have to be. Come," the being said as it readjusted the chair Garrett had been sitting on, "and let us continue our conversation." Garrett nodded and sat back down in the chair, taking another sip of mathematics to try to calm his nerves like drinking the concept of numbers was a normal thing or something. "Allow me to formally introduce myself, you may call me Otris."

"My name is Garrett Bates," Garrett said, finding his second wind. "So, what are you?"

"Your kind would call me a deity. To others of my kind, we call ourselves Dukens." Otris channelled light around itself, slowlying becoming bathed in a white glow. As the light dissipated, Garrett could see that Otris had changed to appear more human, with two arms, two legs, one head, and a sleek white business suit. "This form should be a bit easier on your human mind to comprehend and converse with."

Garrett nodded. "So, is this heaven? Or is this hell? Or is this all the judgement to determine which I go to?"

"Well, neither necessarily," Otris said as he poured himself a cup of mathematics. "You see, I saw your soul decaying and fading in the life stream, so I decided to pluck it out and bring you here."

"Why?" Garrett said as he looked around at the white void. It wasn't hard to notice, but the only things in this void were himself, Otris, the chairs they sat in, the desk, and the cups of mathematics. "What is 'here' anyways?"

"You see, Garrett," Otris said, standing up, "My kind, we watch over and manage Worlds. Yours was under the jurisdiction of our most well-doing Duken. And I," Otris said as he pulled out a small universe and put it on the desk, "have my own issues to deal with."

Upon closer inspection, the universe seemed to glitch out to Garrett. Stars kept shifting places and time moved weirdly around in certain areas. Garrett once again took a look around the white void and the lack of things in it before turning to Otris. "You aren't a strong Duken, are you?"

Otris stammered for a bit, coughing up a bit of his mathematics. He chuckled a bit and gave Garrett a large smile before frowning and laying his head on the desk. "It's true. I am a very minor Duken. However," Otris said, picking his head back up and gesturing to the universe on the desk, "If I can solve the problems going on in this World, then I'll absolutely be able to become a Major Duken."

"So, what problems are happening in this world?" Garrett said, watching the glitching stars sporadically move around.

"As you can see, it is very unstable. You see, Worlds are built upon the fabric of Lospil. It is what gives creation to everything and what holds it all together," Otris said, gesturing to the universe, "Or at least it should. Sometimes, in Worlds, there are those whose power threatens the stability of the Lospil. If they are left unchecked, the fabric of Lospil will break and destroy the World entirely."

Garrett took a gulp, but there wasn't any air. "So, what can you do about it and how does it involve me?"

"I send you to the World, and you defeat the one who threatens the stability of the Lospil, and the World is then saved. However, the damage has been going on for awhile, which is why the World you see is so unstable." Otris gave the universe a gentle pat. "So, what do you say?"

"What do I say?" Garrett said, looking down at the void below his feet before looking back at Otris. "Why should I help you? What will I get out of it?"

"Oh, you're one of those souls," Otris said, gently nudging the universe aside. "Well, saving this World would cement you as one of their great heroes. Wouldn't you want to be regarded as the hero who saved the world of..." Otris looked at the bottom side of the universe quickly, "of Asuria! Further, when I become a stronger Duken, I will be able to grant you a peaceful afterlife, or if you prefer a hectic one. It's up to you really."

"And, what if I refuse?" Garrett asked, curling his toes in anticipation.

"Well, if you truly do, then I can't force you to act as my Hero for this World," Otris said. With a wave of his hand, a portal opened up into a dark black void aside of Garrett. Garrett peered inside, seeing nothing like he had before he came before Otris. "You can go through there and allow your soul to decay to nothingness, like most souls do when their body dies. I'll just have to find another Hero to try and help save this World."

Garrett stared into the gaping maw of the empty void before turning to Otris. "I'm not really a fighter, Otris." Otris's eyes beamed as he saw that Garrett was still with him. "Do I get magic or some powerful item?"

Otris chuckled before responding with a simple, "No."


"I can't do anything of that sort, but I can provide you with this." Otris pulled out a silver longsword from behind the desk as well as a sturdy looking shield with a large lion crest. "These are powerful weapons that can help you out in a time of need. But, there's not really anything magical or special about them." He slid them across the desk and into Garrett's hands. "Except for one thing, but it shouldn't be an issue. I have faith in you, Garrett. So, will you be the Hero for Asuria?"

Garrett stared down at the sword and shield in his arms. He couldn't deny this powerful feeling beginning to build up inside of him, like donning these was part of destiny or fate. He slipped the shield onto his left arm and wielded the sword with his right. "Well, my options are to be a hero or turn to nothingness? I'll take the hero path then."

"Excellent!" Otris said as he waved his hand. The portal to the dark void closed, which Garrett sighed an airless breath of relief. Otris waggled his fingers as some basic clothing and armor generated itself around Garrett's body. He snapped his fingers and a glowing portal appeared behind Garrett. "Go forth, Hero of Asuria!"

Taking a deep airless breath, Garrett gripped his sword and walked into the portal.