The Might of Wings

Garrett, Plex, and Iadre turned their attention up to the sound of the voice that came from above them. Flying above them was what appeared to be a large, muscular, humanoid bald eagle, with a massive wingspan and wielding two gauntlets with protruding blades. He appeared to be lightly armored and wore a military-style red hat with a leather bill and a large wing emblem embroidered into it. The bald eagle slowly began to descend upon everyone, causing all the prisoners to cower in fear. Plex readied a knife while Lyman positioned himself behind Plex. Iadre quickly flew to Garrett and began to cower on his shoulder.

"Iadre?" Garrett asked, raising his shield. "What's wrong?"

"That's him. That's the Birdian that I saw," Iadre said, pointing up at the bald eagle.

"Now, what is all of this?" the large Birdian said as he descended down. "Were you trying to save these people?"

"And what if I was?" Garrett asked. He began to reach for his axe when the Birdian struck Garrett's shield, causing Garrett to fly backward into some rubble.

"Hero Garrett!" Iadre cried out, unfocused on the sharp talons that were heading towards her.

"Watch out!" Plex said as he covered Iadre from the talons. The air filled with the sounds of the talons tearing through metal. Still, Plex held firm protecting Iadre. The light on his face dimmed softly. "Take this, you overgrown feather flicker!" Steam hissed from Plex as his back opened up, shooting out a few knives at the Birdian. It deflected most of them, but a couple of them managed to graze the skin.

"That hurt!" The Birdian began to charge at Plex, but Garrett blindsided the bird with his shield.

"Back off, birdbrain!" Garrett drew his axe and cleaved into the Birdian's wings, drawing some blood. The Birdian screeched out in pain before throwing Garrett onto the ground. "Plex! Are you alright?"

"Still functioning, Boss!" Plex gave a thumbs up before readjusting. "Are you safe, Iadre?"

"Oh, I'm fine, but that Birdian is going to pay!" Iadre had a furious expression as she clutched her orb tightly. She began to chant rapidly and angrily as her orb glowed brightly. A brilliant burst of energy shot out from her orb towards the Birdian.

However, the Birdian withstood the blast with its gauntlets. He cackled at Iadre, which echoed through the quarry. "You think a measly bolt like that can harm me? Do you have any idea who you're dealing with?"

"And just who are you?" Garrett asked, getting between Iadre and the Birdian.

The Birdian tipped the brim of its hat and bowed slightly. "I am one of the Chiefs of Staucorn, our glorious leader of the sky. The fierce feathered fighter. I am Krotos. This is my quarry. And you are all in my way." As soon as Krotos finished talking, he unfurled his wings and rushed towards Garrett. He moved too fast for Garrett to respond, once again knocking Garrett away.

"Boss!" Plex said, diverting its attention from Iadre and Krotos.

In the gap of awareness, Krotos slashed Plex across the chest, knocking him over. The light from Plex's face slowly began to dim. Before she could react, Krotos grabbed Iadre and held her up. She screamed out in fright and fear, causing her to drop her orb. "Now then, what is a pesky little bug doing down here in my quarry?"

"Put her down!" Garrett shouted, slowly getting back up to his feet. The confidence and anger in his voice were steadily being replaced with fear and terror. His mind flashed back to Cerezie's body on the ground. He drew his sword and charged at Krotos, but as he did, Krotos simply flew upwards. "Lyman! I can't reach him! Use that voice thing of yours!" he called out, but Krotos continued to fly. "Lyman!" He turned to look at the draconian, who was huddled into himself in fear. Garrett felt the air escaping his lungs as he turned back to Krotos.

"Garrett! Help! Please!" Iadre cried out, struggling to free herself from the Birdian's grip. Her voice became shakier as she was lifted higher and higher.

In a last-ditch effort, Garrett threw his sword and his axe up towards Krotos. However, neither of them had the force behind them to reach him. Both weapons clattered to the ground as Garrett stared in terror.

"It seems that your armored friend isn't quite as strong as he looks," Krotos said, pulling Iadre closer to his face. "Now, I keep a clean environment in my work." Iadre continued to struggle, which made Krotos tighten his grip more. She cried out in pain, pleading for anyone to save her. "I can't have a pesky bug like you flying around." Krotos gripped tighter around Iadre. She screamed in pure terror and pain.

"Let her go!" Garrett shouted, now practically pleading that someone or something would save her. He couldn't, Plex was down, and Lyman was useless. He felt his throat tighten as tears streamed down his face and his breathing became more rapid and frantic.

"And, what do we do to bugs?" Krotos asked as he gripped Iadre tighter. The air filled with the sounds of her screams of agony and the sickening sound of tiny bones snapping. "We..." Iadre's cries were drowned out as her lungs began to pool with blood. A slow trickle of her pink blood began to emerge from her mouth as her eyes glazed over. She no longer had the energy to struggle. The pain overwhelmed her mind as she fell silent. "...squish them." There was a final crunch mixed with a squish as blood ruptured from her body, her broken and shattered bones piercing her skin everywhere. Krotos released his grip and watched as her body fell effortlessly to the ground, like a child dropping a toy.

"IADRE!" Garrett rushed over and caught her body before it hit the ground. She was an absolutely horrific and mangled sight to see. Her dress was now a fusion of the dark purple with bright pink stains throughout. He cried softly as he held her body. This was now the second time that he got his companions killed. Her blood staining Garrett's hands pink, much like how Cerezie's blood had done so before.

"....I'm... sorry..." Iadre faintly managed to manage before her body fully went limp.

"Iadre." Garrett felt all his strength fade away from him. He merely remained slumped over as Krotos landed behind him. He wanted to feel angry. He wanted to turn around and kill Krotos for what he did to Iadre, but his body wouldn't comply. His brain felt fuzzy and lost as he stared at the corpse of Iadre.

"So much compassion for a stupid bug," Krotos said, no hint of remorse for what he had just done. He brought his blade up to Garrett's neck before stabbing it through. Garrett didn't even respond as the blade went through his spine, severing everything in its path. His body slumped over, still protecting Iadre.

"Now then, let's get all these prisoners back to work."