Growing Mobs

The robots emerged from the ground like something out of a zombie movie in a graveyard. Each of the exits of the room hummed with energy and a similar glow to the robot's eyes. At a quick glance, there had to be around fifteen robots, a combination of Biters and small robots that looked like scorpions.

"Come on, we have to get out of here!" Garrett said as he ran towards the left exit.

"Waiting!" Cerezie said, but it was too late. Garrett attempted to run through the red light but was stopped. The barrier hissed with electricity as Garrett slammed into it. "No leave. Barrier there."

"I can see that now," Garrett said, failing to make any progress by attacking the barrier with his spear or his sword. He quickly turned and knocked away a Biter that launched itself at him. "What do we do?"

"Fight!" Cerezie took aim with her rifle and began to fire away. The corpses of the robots clattered on the ground, ripped apart by Cerezie's bullets.

As she was focused on one robot at a time, two others, one Biter and one unknown, took the opportunity to ambush Cerezie. "Look out!" Plex shouted as it charged forward, grabbing one of the robots. However, the Biter evaded Plex's grasp and chomped down on Cerezie's shoulder. She cried out in pain as she stumbled forward onto her to her knees; her rifle skidding away from her as more robots began to swarm her.

"Cerezie!" Garrett, hearing the screams of Cerezie, charged through the robots, cleaving any in his way with his long spear. While he was unable to get Cerezie's rifle, he was able to get over to Cerezie. Winding back, he skewered the Biter that was attached to Cerezie's shoulder. It released its grip, dropped a Helioxene orb, and clattered to the ground. "Are you alright?" Blood was dripping down Cerezie's shoulder with the familiar smell of iron filling the air. Cerezie didn't respond; she only gripped her shoulder in pain. "Plex, get her rifle before something else happens!"

"Understood Boss!" Plex charged into the swarm of robots, knocking them aside with its superior size and strength.

This didn't stop the assault on Cerezie and Garrett. Garrett grunted as a small robot threw itself into his shield. He spun around and flung the robot into the crowd. "Cerezie, can you stand?" he asked as he hacked away with his sword at a Biter.

"Standing yes," Cerezie said, wobbling to her feet.

"Here." Garrett handed her his sword as he grabbed his spear.

Cerezie fumbled with the sword before finally gripping onto it. "I no know use sword!" She looked around nervously at the approaching robots and lifted the sword above her head. "No coming close!" She closed her eyes and swung wildly in every direction, like trying to strike at a flying pinata.

"Careful!" Garrett said, dodging the blade as it came close around his neck. He thrust his spear forward, piercing the metal hide of a robot. It sparked and twitched before falling limp on the end of the weapon. Quickly, he pulled the robot off and prepared for another one. "Plex! Where's that rifle?"

"It is currently under a few robots," Plex said, standing around where Cerezie's rifle sat on the ground. The swarm of robots prevented Plex from reaching the rifle, but thankfully Plex's metal body resisted the attacks of the robots.

Garrett wound his arm up for another attack when something caught his eye. Out of the tunnel where they had entered the room was a large metal robot with two glowing red eyes. It stomped on four legs, echoing through the caverns, stepping ever closer to the room. Attached to the sides of the rectangular body were devices that looked like a fusion between a flamethrower nozzle and a Gatling gun. Even from a distance, Garrett could tell that it was about as large, if not even larger, than Jerten.

"Guys, something's coming this way!" Garrett shouted as he turned, grabbing Cerezie's wrist and pulling her towards Plex. "We gotta do something fast!"

"But of what do?" Cerezie said, opening her eyes and following behind Garrett. "Barrier is still hold."

"Maybe there's something in here we're supposed to do?" Garrett suggested, looking around frantically for anything that seemed out of place. "A button or a lever or something?" He swung his spear around, knocking aside another Biter.

"My sensors pick up nothing of the sort," Plex said, crushing a robot in its grip. It picked up another and threw it towards one of the barriers, frying its circuits and filling the air with burnt wires. "However, there appear to be only five remaining enemies."

"Then let's finish them!" Garrett swung his spear towards the nearest robot, knocking it into a wall. The spear tip pierced the protective metal and slashed the circuitry apart like guts. The red light from the robot went out as it went limp, dropping an orb of Helioxene.

Cerezie turned towards where her rifle was and charged forward with Garrett's sword. She shouted something in a foreign language and swung with all her might. The sword cleaved right through two robots that were defending the rifle, their bodies clattering to the ground. Immediately, she picked up her rifle and stroked the barrel of it, like it was a lost kitten she was comforting.

"Only two remain," Plex said as it crushed a Biter between its hands. Wires and circuit boards crunched under the intense pressure until the Biter was nothing more than a compressed cube.

"Make that one!" Garrett said as he dropped the spear and picked up his sword. He lunged forward and pierced through a robot, causing it to hiss violently before collapsing. "Cerezie! Take care of the final one!"

"Not problem," Cerezie said, already aiming her rifle. With a soft click, a bullet coated in green energy fired from her rifle towards the remaining robot. It sputtered and shook before falling over.

As it fell, the barriers turned green and the room filled with a brilliant flash of light. As Cerezie and Garrett's eyes adjusted back, they noticed a red chest in the center of the room, however, this one was much larger than the other God Chests. This one was about the typical size of a treasure chest as opposed to the ones that fit in the palm of Garrett's hand.

"Is that a God Chest?" Garrett asked, slowly approaching it.

"Yes, it would appear so," Plex said, joining the other two near the chest. "I am not familiar with chests this large."

"It Grand Chest," Cerezie said, putting her hands on it. "Only appearance when adventure fight Mob Room." Slowly, she lifted the top off.