Spilling Out

After a bit of time to calm down Iadre, Garrett, Zerat, and Lyman all took a seat on the ground. Iadre opted to sit on Garrett's shoulder. "No more fighting between the two of you, got it?" He looked Lyman in the eyes and Zerat in his eye.

"Fine, I shall be cordial, but only out of respect for the small maiden there upon your shoulder," Lyman said, gesturing to Iadre. Iadre responded by moving onto Garrett's other shoulder.

"Alright, we're sitting and we're listening," Zerat said, crossing its arms together. "Now, start talking."

"Fine," Garrett said, taking a deep breath, thinking about how best to go about this. "This is not my first time here."

"In the Darge?" Lyman asked.

"No, in Asuria," Garrett clarified. The other three gave him strange looks, as was expected. "Well, this is my first time in this version of Asuria." The looks they gave him only increased in confusion. Garrett sighed and scratched his head as he tried to think about how to go on. In the end, it seemed like the best way was to just jump right in rather than beating around the bush. "I'm not from this world. I died."

"You died? What? But, you're sitting right here in front of us," Iadre said, confused and a little frightened.

"Yes, I died back in my world. It was a place called Earth and when I died, I met this being named Otris. He called himself a Duken and they sort of manage and watch over worlds."

"So, you met one of the gods?" Lyman asked.

"Not quite. I think in the grand scheme, he's a higher up than a god. Anyway, he chose me as a hero to save Asuria."

"So, you're here to save Asuria? Lemme guess, is it from the rampage of King Ewing?" Zerat asked, awaiting Garrett's response.

"In this timeline, it would appear so," Garrett said, seeing the look of confusion grow among his party members. "This isn't the first time that I've been sent here to Asuria. I've died a couple of times."

"Then how have we never heard tale of such a man who comes back after death?" Lyman asked.

"Okay, so this part might get confusing." Garrett took a deep breath before continuing. "So, the very nature of Asuria is unhinged, due to powerful people. I'm not quite clear on the exact mechanics of how that works, but it is."

"Powerful people? So, I assume that's King Ewing?" Zerat asked.

"This time, it would appear so. Due to the unhinged nature of Asuria, every time that I get sent back to Asuria, it's an entirely different set of circumstances." Garrett thought a bit more about how to explain it. "So, in this timeline, the powerful people who needs to be stopped is King Ewing. In previous timelines, there was talk of Elemental Lords, Dragons, Robots, and Sky Beasts, to name a few.

"Not only is who needs to be stopped different each time, but also who I meet each time as well. I've met you all in previous timelines, but not always. There have been some timelines without any of you." Garrett turned his head to the lizard man. "Lyman, I've met you twice before, and Iadre and Zerat, I've met you both once."

"Ha ha ha!" Lyman suddenly flung his head back and laughed out loud. "Your tale is but a long and complicated yarn! If you say that we have met before, then tell me something that only I should know."

"I can't," Garrett said. "The random nature of each time I come into Asuria means that I don't nearly know that much. I can recognize some folks, but that doesn't mean they'll have the same history. For example, in the last time that I encountered you, Lyman, you were behind bars from some Earth Elementals."

"Ha! Caging the one and only Lyman Ochao! Now I know you are talking absurdity!" Lyman stood and drew his rapier. "Now I know not only are you a coward but a liar as well, spinning a tale of absurdity!"

"I'm telling the truth," Garrett said, standing up and readying his shield.

"So, that's how you knew to throw me in the armor?" Zerat asked, also rising to their feet.

"Yeah," Garrett said, turning his attention to Zerat. "In the timeline that I met you, you told me that you're a magic hat that can possess constructs to make bodies. So, I figured in that room, the pile of armor would allow you to make a body and help us fight."

"I see," Zerat said, pondering a bit before nodding. "Well, if I can be a magical talking hat, then I guess you're story isn't nearly as crazy as it seems."

"You believe this man?" Lyman asked, pointing his rapier to Garrett. "How is it possible that such a person exists? He claims to have seen many timelines of this world! To meet with a man above the gods! How can you-"

Lyman was interrupted as the three of them noticed Iadre was sniffling in the air. She hovered in front of Garrett's face, looking at her orb. "Garrett, you wouldn't lie to me, would you?"

"Of course not," Garrett said. "As strange as it is, everything I told you was true."

Iadre attempted to wipe her face, but tears kept streaming down. "That's what I thought." With that, she quickly turned around and flew out of the room, down the path that led to the treasure of Amer-Turul.

"What happened?" Zerat asked, only to be met with confusion.

"I'm not entirely sure," Garrett said after finally realizing what just happened. He followed after her down the path.

Zerat and Lyman both looked at each other. "I still do not trust the man. He spits lies and falsehoods and now he has made a young maiden cry!" Lyman's scowled looking in the direction of Garrett.

"I believe him, as a magical talking hat," Zerat said as it began to walk down the path. "He seems as though he's trying. I don't sense any sort of maliciousness from him. I don't know if he's a person who will entirely save this world, but I do know that his first thoughts were protecting others. Now you can follow along or stay here. Don't matter to me. I'm gonna follow an Illima who seems like he's on his way of being a hero." With that, Zerat followed Garrett.

Lyman muttered nonsense to himself and kicked a rock on the ground. "I, too, will show everyone that I can be a hero." After a few seconds, he followed down the path as well.