Fur and Blood

"Where'd they go?" Garrett shouted as he whipped around, searching for wherever the hooded figures went, ready for an ambush.

"They ran like cowards!" Min-Tul let out a might roar to the ceiling, his voice filled with rage and pain. He was panting heavily and looked like he was on the verge of passing out.

"Hey, easy now. Let's sit and rest for a bit, alright?" Garrett said, trying to calm down the very large Anikind. Min-Tul growled and bared his fangs, but after taking a few breaths, he fell backwards and slumped against the wall. "What happened to you? Why did they chain you up like that?"

Min-Tul coughed a few times as he began to rummage through his bag. He pulled out a few jars of herbs and began to mix them together. "They wanted information. Trying to figure out about the treasure down here. Not that I was going to tell them anything anyways." He began to chew on some leaves. His wounds didn't immediately heal up, but Garrett could see that they were starting to get better. Garrett debated about using the healing potion on Min-Tul, but decided against it for now.

"How'd you get caught in the first place?" Garrett asked, needing to remember to start off as if they all just met. "You look like a very strong Anikind."

"Thanks for noticing," Min-Tul said as he stuck another bundle of plants into his mouth. He chewed for a bit before responding. "I might be tough, but I can't do anything against magic. That kind of stuff is way above me."

"Who are these people anyways?" Garrett asked as he looked over at the three corpses on the ground.

"What, you're telling me you haven't come across any of Rakvod's goons ever?" Min-Tul asked, scratching the back of his head. "I find that a little hard to believe." His eyes narrowed at Garrett.

Garrett, feeling the intense gaze, quickly made something up on the spot. "I lived a pretty sheltered life. This is one of the first time that I've come adventuring."

"And you decided to tackle the Darge?" Min-Tul said before giving a hearty laugh. "I admire your moxie, kid." Then, his mood shifted more serious and he turned to the corpses. "They're followers of Rakvod. He's a dangerous warlock who has been slowly conquering Asuria." Min-Tul spit in the direction of the corpses, a mix of saliva, leaves, and blood. "His people killed my family. My whole hometown. I won't stop until I've made sure that he's stopped for good."

"And that's why you're down here?" Garrett asked, and Min-Tul nodded. "Have you managed to find the treasure?"

"Kid, if I found it, I wouldn't still be in here," Min-Tul said, chuckling. "No, I didn't find the treasure yet, but I think I got some clues about where." He looked around, trying to see if the coast was clear. He gestured for Garrett to come closer. As Garrett did, Min-Tul leaned in and whispered. "I think I found a path that might lead to the vault. But, I can't figure out a way in."

Garrett thought for a bit and then nodded. "Alright, after you're healed up, we'll go check it out." Min-Tul nodded and continued to rest, closing his eyes for a little.

Garrett, meanwhile, decided to investigate the robed figures. The one that Min-Tul had mauled was soaked and torn to shreds, so he looked at the two that he managed to kill at the beginning. Their blood was pooling together, staining their robes a dark purple. Slowly, Garrett pulled back their hoods. Underneath was a draconian and an elf, their eyes sunken deep into their heads and a marking similar to the one on their robes was on their forehead.

"So, these two are followers of Rakvod, you said?"

"Yeah, something about finding an ultimate power or some kind of trash," Min-Tul said, slowly standing up. "I'm starting to feel better." He rolled his shoulders, stretching out and flexing to make sure everything felt right. "You good to head out?"

"Yeah," Garrett said as he stood up, before bending down and disrobing one of the followers.

"Gross, why would you do that?" Min-Tul asked, covering his nose in disgust.

"You never know when you might need them," Garrett said as he began to disrobe the other one. He tucked the bloody robes into his backpack and stood up. "So, those other guys disappeared into the ground. Think they'll show back up?"

"Yeah, but not for awhile. They retreated back to their home base. They wouldn't think of attacking us without having stupidly higher numbers," Min-Tul said, growling a little. "Still, we have to be on guard. Good thing you can fight."

"Yeah," Garrett said, looking down at his sword that was coated in blood. Sure, they were following whoever this Rakvod person was, who was likely the Big Terror this time who was threatening Asuria, but they were still people, right? "Does Rakvod control these people directly like puppets?"

"No, it's more like he's the cult leader," Min-Tul said, starting to head off in a direction. Garrett followed closely behind him. "Promising things of a new world under his rule."

"Why would they listen to him?" Garrett asked. At least with Captain Desmond, it was species racism. What was the basis for Rakvod?

"Fear mostly," Min-Tul said. "He's incredibly powerful. Likely the most powerful magic user Asuria has ever seen. You'd have to be brave or stupid to challenge him." He spat on the ground as he said that. "But, if I can get my hands on the treasure of Min-Tul, then all that will change."

"I've heard plenty of talk about the treasure over quite some time," Garrett said, technically not lying. "But, what exactly IS the treasure? Is it a sword? Some kind of magical relic? A mirror?"

"Well, the ancient legends say that Amer-Turul was blessed by the gods above and could craft weapons and items of incredible power," Min-Tul said. "Long ago, they buried a sacred artifact deep within the Darge, build as a pact of the unity of the world. It is said to be capable of allowing someone to wield power to rival the gods."

"And this is the only thing that could take down Rakvod?" Garrett asked.

"Exactly. There's no one else who strong enough to fight him and his army," Min-Tul said, burning determination building in his voice. "And I'm going to take my revenge on Rakvod. I will avenge my family."

Garrett looked at Min-Tul, then nodded. He was still the same passionate fighter that he was before. That didn't change. He gave Min-Tul a pat on the back. "I'll help you achieve that goal."

"Thanks," Min-Tul said before turning his attention to the room that they entered. "Alright, this is the start."