Bombs and Bombs

The shrine looked the same as the Oman Au Shrine, getting in the elevator I descended into the basement. I inserted the Sheikah Slate for the next feature, the new feature was called Remote Bomb. Remembering my mistake in the Oman Au Shrine, I carefully read the entire description of Remote Bomb.

The feature included 2 types of bombs, a spherical bomb and a cubical bomb. Pressing the spherical bomb icon a bomb appeared in my hand. On the Sheikah Slate there were 2 options, "detonate" and "cancel". Throwing the bomb I let it roll for a bit before pressing detonate, "boom" the explosion had a diameter of 10 feet. The floor remained unscathed. On the Sheikah Slate, there was a cooldown before I could use the spherical bomb again. The cubical bomb was ready though, placing it down I ran 20 feet away for safety. I wondered if the blast zone was larger, pressing detonate the same sized explosion occurred. With the spherical bomb's cooldown finished I did one last test. I placed it down and pressed cancel, immediately it disappeared, looking at the Sheikah Slate the spherical bomb returned.

There was a stone wall, using the bombs I blasted a hole through it. The hallway forked to the left and right. Knowing that the right hallway has a treasure chest I go there first, the hallway led me to an empty room with a metal hoop on the far side. The hoop was positioned 10 feet from the floor. I have to use the spherical bomb and make it through the hoop. Getting as close to the hoop as I could I threw the bomb, making it in on the first try I pat myself on the back. A chest magically appeared in the middle of the room. The chest was made of the same material as the guardian and had a scanner on the front, using the Sheikah Slate the chest opened. Inside were arrows of the 3 different elemental types in the game, fire, ice, and electric. Stashing them I return to the intersection and go to the left hallway.

It led me upwards, the room had a floating platform that moved to and from me towards a stone wall. Waiting for the platform to get closer I throw the cubical bomb since it wouldn't roll. Waiting for the platform to reach the wall I detonate the bomb. Destroying the wall, I jumped onto the platform and walked through.

The final test was constructed a little differently than the other 2, the room was split into 2 sections. The section on the right had a rectangular stone pillar at a 45-degree angle, every so often it would extend outwards. On the far side, there was a ditch, in the middle there was a small hole. There was a stone wall facing me that covered the ditch. To the left, there were 2 similar rectangular stone pillars. Facing the other end were a chest and an orange sphere.

Going to the left first I waited for the pillar to retract, moving in front of the pillar it launched me onto the platform on the other side. Opening the chest I received a piece of amber. Going back I move to the second pillar, launching me I go to the orange sphere. Taking it back with me I now move to the section on the right. Summoning a bomb I place it in front of the pillar. Before the bomb could collide with the wall I detonated it. With no more obstructions I place the sphere in front of the pillar, landing in the ditch the sphere found its way into the hole. Lighting up a floating platform made its way towards me.

Going towards the wrinkled being I did the same thing in the Oman Au Shrine, touching the box the transparent material shattered. Giving me a spirit orb, it slowly disappeared.

Back at the entrance, with plenty of time to spare and no other objectives, I go to the next shrine.

The nearest shrine from my location should be the Owa Daim Shrine. It's situated near the edge of the plateau, also if I take this route I should pass the Old Man's house.

Making my way out of the ruined Abbey I start running towards the shrine. After a few hours, I was only able to make it halfway before it started to get dark. I was a little too far from the Old Man's house, guess I'm going to have to camp out tonight. However, in the distance I saw some smoke rising. If there's smoke, there's a fire.

Running towards the direction of the smoke I come across a bokoblin encampment. Using the Sheikah Slate I zoomed in to get a better look, around the perimeter were 4 poorly assembled archers posts. In the center were 3 open fires and various roasted foods. There were also primitive huts made of grass and mud. About 11 bokoblins of red, blue, and black variants were in the middle enjoying food. Seeing that this was an opportunity to acquire shelter I devise a plan to eliminate them.

I could've gone Rambo and charged in like a maniac, but with these numbers that was a little risky.

Using the cover of darkness I set a bomb down, moving 20 yards away I placed another bomb. While sneaking I go to the opposite side of where I placed my bombs. Getting as close to the archer posts as I could I set off the first bomb, all the bokoblins were alarmed and looked that way. Using my distraction I shot all the archers killing them simultaneously. The bokoblins were now in chaos as their archers mysteriously died. Setting off the second bomb the bokoblins were spooked again. Dividing their forces they sent a small group of 4 to investigate the explosions. Waiting for the group to leave I pull out the Sheikah Slate. Using Magnesis I use magnetic launch and send my shield flying, killing 3 instantly. I don't know how much damage that move does, I just know it does a lot. There were 4 left in the middle, now I can go Rambo. Rushing in I killed the closest ones to me. Now that all the red and blue variants have been dealt with, all that remained were the 2 black variants. Shoving each other they were too frightened to fight me, pulling out the Sheikah Slate I pulled my shield back beheading them both. It took less than 5 seconds to kill everyone in the middle.

While waiting for the scouting party of 4 to come back I begin organizing my spoils. The black bokoblins both carried a dragonbone boko club, dealing 24 damage that was more damage than my broadsword, claymore, and ax added. They also dropped bokoblin guts, a useful ingredient when making elixirs. When the party came back I finished them off. Salvaging through their items the best things they had were the dragonbone weapons, a few elemental arrows and the bokoblin guts, besides that everything else was garbage. Roasting my own meal I looked as fireflies emerged from their slumber. Knowing that they are good ingredients for stealth elixirs I capture a bunch of them, returning, my food is ready.

Cleaning out the inside of a hut I cut some tall grass to use as a bed. Not the best sleeping spot, but it was better than sleeping out in the open. Closing my eyes I fell fast asleep.