Kitsune Hero

So, to summarize; my name is William Pendragon, and at the moment, I was captured by Imperial Knights and being dragged off in a cage to the Capitol, along with a demon girl and a Beast Man who was part otter. It didn't take long for us to arrive in the Capitol, not at all, and they actually covered the cage as we rode through the streets. You could give any reason for this, but the most accurate was likely that they wanted to prevent us from mapping out any potential escape routes.

"Hey, if you happened to be kidding about being cursed, kid, now would be the time to tell us," The otter man, who'd introduced himself as Cain, grinned nervously. He knew as well as I did that whatever awaited us... nothing good could come from it. He was a handsome guy, and that was not a good thing in any way; a shock of bright brown hair, handsome gray eyes framed by long lashes, unmarked skin a lustrous brown like caramel... he was like walking candy! Ah, but I mean that metaphorically, I'm definitely not into guys. Speaking of...

The demon girl, she piqued my interest in no time at all, though she didn't seem to hold any particular interest in either of us. Pale, perfect skin, except for a ropy scar that ran from her shoulder to the inside of her elbow. Long, dark hair that fell in a straight wave down her back, and horns that started out a light pink, turning into something like twisted black bull's horns- but thinner- as they left her head. She was curvaceous, healthy and toned; the body of a girl who spent her life running... and she had yet to introduce herself.

Eventually, that carriage stopped with my only answer to Cain's rhetoric being an awkward smile. The cover was ripped off of our cage, revealing a large, musty room to us. There were three cages along one of the walls, empty and open.

"Grab the elf, first," one of our driving soldiers muttered, and they circled around to the back of the cage, near the door. One of them opened it and grabbed me as the other two leveled a spear and a sword with my chest... but I wasn't stupid. I was outmatched and outclassed here, so like Hell I was going to try and run, no matter how my instincts screamed for me to take off, get as far away as I could. All in all, it went surprisingly well, if you could consider my getting off with just being shoved into a cage well.

"Beast next," The soldier in charge grunted. Funny, how they left out the "Man" part... that went well, too, and Cain was fed into the cage to my left, then locked inside.

"Succubus next," grunted the knight. As soon as they said it, I felt my blood run cold; I could see, in her eyes, that she was going to try something... but she was wearing a collar that suppressed her magic, so how much could she actually do? I felt my stomach drop when she tried to lurch free, only to be punched in the stomach, and kicked to the ground.

"God, I was hoping you'd resist!" One of the soldiers laughed, drawing a knife. "Hold the bitch down, buddies." The other two armored men chuckled and did as told; and the whole time, the Succubus, she didn't say anything... but I wished she would. She was naught but silent as she strained, as they wrested her harder against the floor... even as the ring leader brought his knife down twice, hard, shattering both her horns off. As her eyes bulged and her face reddened and as blood flowed down her temples, her jaw... then they threw her in the cage, as easily as if she were nothing more than a small sack of feathers. Even when her head hit the bars and her back the metal cage bottom... not a sound. It made me sick, it made my stomach twist around with unholy revulsion, but there was nothing I could hope to do about it just yet.


Later that night, she snuck in, and I'll admit I was immediately taken with her. Long gingery hair that spilled in waves almost as far as the beginning of the matching tail, which flicked around like that of a cat walking on a tightrope. Her eyes, a bright green... she used a small knife, some sort of magic, to cut right through the bars.

"Get the Hell out of here, all three of you. I think I'll be behind you, before long."


Hina was learning... it would take three weeks to get to the Capitol, and so far only two had passed. Emily was using magic to make sure she slept through the nights, but she could feel it; it made her heart hammer, made her blood boil, caused her to feel like any second, she'd snap and attack. The girls were there for her... but whatever this was, it was driving toward its climax all too quickly.

"You're doing well, Hina," Charlotte spoke with a grin as she came in to attack again, leveling kicks and swipes and punches everywhere. Hina was learning... it was like a dance; graceful, lithe. She had to always be moving, never leave herself open... never stop moving, stop flowing like a river. Change shape, if needed, but never stop. Run, dodge, roll, hack and slash, fierce, undying, like a flame in a still room... Hina wasn't able to overcome Charlotte, not even close, but in the end, she held her own, avoiding taking any hits herself.

"Mm, training you all individually is hard work~" Charlotte purred, suddenly dropping her playfulness and pinning Hina to a tree.

"H-Hey, Charlotte, let me-"

"I haven't even had fun with you yet, what kind of mistress are you~? Just because you're a girl doesn't mean you can't use a familiar to relieve yourself, am I wrong?" It sounded odd, coming from a busty girl in a leather tank... but the question made Hina feel a bit warm, anyway. Should she turn into Aurelia, and use her tail? Or...

"Come on, Hina~ you want to be so strong, don't you~? You've got to at least be able to put a kitten in her place, right~?" Charlotte smiled and stepped closer, pressing Hina. "Go ahead, then, come on~ if not for you, then do it for your cat, who wants to be used~" The light was falling, the trees streaked with oranges and pinks. Hina was only feeling hotter and hotter as Charlotte dipped a hand between Badger Girl's legs, pressing softly with two fingers, slowly moving them.

"C-Charlotte, listen..." Hina panted quietly, pushing her hips forward. Charlotte smiled and shook her head, leaning a bit closer... slowly, she unbuttoned Hina's shorts, started to pull them down. When guided to, Hina stepped out of them, only to shiver as Charlotte started to work her top up, as well.


"Nope~ if you're not going to be a top, I will~" Charlotte finished taking Hina's shirt away, then set to work on her bra. Hina felt herself growing warmer, more desperate, and her breaths were coming in soft, short pants. Charlotte, in answer, began to untie Hina's panties at the hip... and as she did, she left a soft trail of kisses down Hina's neck, her collar bone, to her breast. Feeling her nethers just a moment away from being uncovered, Hina bucked her hips, her panting sounding to be seconds away from desperate.


"Yes~?" Hina's bikini bottom fell to the dirt, and Charlotte slowly sank her fingers into Hina's chest, kneading, softly pulling... teasing. Badger Girl tried to choke down her rising moan, but Charlotte wasn't going to make it easy on her; pulling, she gently sat Hina on the grass, leaning up to kiss her supposed mistress. Hina was only getting more needy, more achy, her chest rising and falling faster as she returned the kiss, whined in disappointment because Charlotte pulled away, leaning down and...

"Sh-Charlotte!" Hina bucked up as the cat girl's tongue flicked across her nipple, and the neko lowered her hand, pushing two fingers into Hina. There was no way she could take this, no way, no way...!

"Charlotte... please...!" Hina pushed her top's wrist away, and shoved Charlotte onto her back. Smirking and raising her eyebrows playfully, Charlotte gripped Hina's thigh, pulling the Summoned Hero around so that Hina was straddling her chest.

"Oh God..." Hina groaned loudly- no, downright whorishly, as Charlotte pulled her forward and stuck out her tongue. Something about this particular act, was almost too embarrassing... At first, it was a slow and steady pressure, but this cat was good with her tongue, and soon Hina was rocking her hips, shaking her head, practically drooling as a bead of sweat ran between her breasts. In answer, Charlotte gripped the top's of Hina's thighs, pulling her down harder, burying her tongue further, her small nose pressing into Hina's bud.

"Ch-Charlotte..." Losing herself, Hina didn't even notice as a bit of drool hit her chest, although she unconsciously swallowed anyway. Lottie just hummed and moaned, vibrating Hina in slightly the wrong- or right- way. "Charlotte Sh-Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte...! L-Lottie!" Hina rocked her hips, shivering; every time she'd climaxed before now, it felt the same as losing control of her bladder... but somehow, sitting on a girl's face, it felt more wrong, more embarrassing, more... incredible, whispered a masochistic side of her.

"Nnng... c-coming~!" Hina ground down like a puppy, finally losing control of herself and finishing hard. Charlotte took it all, swallowing eagerly as Hina spent herself, a smirk on her lips. For a moment, they stayed there, and then Hina moved off of her summon, her blush remaining for a new reason; embarrassment that bordered on humiliation

"Is something wrong, Hina?" Charlotte laughed, rolling her eyes. "You've never had that done, have you~? It's the only answer I can think of, for why you'd be so embarrassed~"

"You're right," Hina admitted, feeling a sudden twinge of pain in her temple. "I should thank you, I should..."

"Oh don't worry about returning the favor... I really just wanted to loosen you up~" Chessie flicked her wrist, and Hina's clothes crumbled to dust on the ground, only to reform on her body a second later. Hina, for her part, faltered when she tried to answer; the head pain was growing, stronger and stronger.

"Chessie... I think it's happening again," Hina muttered, head swimming. "I think... I'm gonna..." she paused and swallowed, climbing to her feet and starting away from Chessie. "I have to go, I have to..." Groaning, Hina planted her foot and sprang off, trying to put distance between the two of them; she knew from the accounts of others that she was far more dangerous when she wasn't herself.


Aerendyl smiled, looking sideways at Melody. "You know, she's going to find out the angels' part in this, and there's no way she'll forgive us. You're not going to be joining her, no matter your unwarranted feelings. For now, though... it looks like we need to strengthen the seal."

"I know we do... but doing it will also make it fragile. Do you think she can make it to the Capitol before it shatters entirely?"

"We can only hope, not be sure. Now come on, creature, we've got some work to do."