
Underland has, for a long time, held the name Wonderland for many, instead. One who enters may be enthralled with lurid colors and gorgeous scents- sights and sounds to charm an army at once. In this regard the name made sense- in many, it did, in fact. Nonetheless, Underland is not its own world, but one of the nine hells, festering far from our earth. Under us all, not a wonder at all.


"Ugh, finally... I can sleep in without worrying about anything..." Hina yawned and rolled onto her side, hair a frizzy mess. It was falling too far, now, almost curled under her ass and to thighs, eyes dull with the haze of a young woman who didn't get any sleep until about five in the morning. For which she blamed the gentle, dominant attentions of four certain girls... but, that aside, what time was it? Sunlight was streaming through the curtains in full, already, not many shadows left across the room. Judging by that, it must have been approaching midday...?

"Mn... you're awake...? That's kinda... cringe..." Nao was sitting up behind her, tiredly laying a hand on Hina's hip, her fingers bordering dangerously inward. "Imagine not being asleep... for forty eight hours... couldn't be me..."

"Could be you, I can hear that loud mouth from a mile away..." Hina murmured teasingly, rolling onto her back and guiding Nao's hand upward, away from her waist. The Chochin Obake's palm found its way to her stomach instead, resting there.

"You're warm..." Nao sighed calmly as, near Hina's feet, Emily slowly sat up, yawning.

"Mng... I think we need haircuts..."

"A day out...?"

"I GOT BREAKFAST!" Hina yelped, jerking with surprise and sitting up rapidly as Lily burst in with a few trays balanced evenly on her head. "TIME TO EAT, FUCKERS!!!"



"Mn..." Hina yawned, stepping slowly into the shower, immediately dunking her head under the water. She felt so relaxed, part of her wanted nothing more or less than an easy, lazy day in bed. That wasn't really ideal, of course, but ugh, if only... "Why does anybody have to do things like... get out of bed...?"

"Do you mind?" Emily's voice sounded, her knuckles tapping softly on the glass doro outside the shower. "If I come in with you?"

"Course not," Hina answered quietly, yawning and slowly arching her back.

"Thank you~" Emily went silent for a bit, save for the rustle of fabric that was covered up immediately by the sound of running water, and then the door popped open, Emily stepping into the small space with Hina, yawning herself still. Coffee sounded... pretty tempting, right about now- and by coffee, Hina meant a third cup, because what Lily had brought was gone now.

So, to recap.

Hina- Fell Hero, Plagued Angel and Fox Fang. Reincarnated spirit of Hinata, an ordinary on Earth who was never quite right. Her mother murdered by her father, she was brought to a new world after her own death and reincarnated with quite a few things gone wrong. Forced to run from a racist, sexist kingdom, Hina was infected with a virus on the way out. Slowly becoming a demon, she ultimately found salvation and made multiple deals with the divine, including the Christian God and Inari both. Now, at last, she's able to just, simply, rest. Black and white hair was growing unkempt and in need of cutting, and this with her pale skin made the nickname 'Badger' fairly easy.

Emily- once upon a time, nothing but a loli wandering through the woods, confused and afraid, parents missing for weeks after they'd ventured north with intent to meet with friends near the border. Eventually, she'd wandered into Starria's Forest of Fae, only to be chanced on by a gang of Succupixies. In essence gangbanged, she wound up looking not at all as she had before- and now, following the purification of angels, she was many things and nothing particular- part angel, part devil, part succubus and part pixie, with lilac skin and snowy hair to offset her charcoal irises.

Nao- In fact, the departed girlfriend of Hina in their old life, she was reincarnated as a Chochin Obake, a lantern ghost, trapped endlessly somewhere in the dark fog between life and death. Feeling guilty over how quickly she became smitten with another summoned hero, it took quite a long time for Hina to become aware that she was near her past lover, but thankfully, learning it changed nothing for the two of them. With girl next door good looks, Nao was both plain and beautiful in equal measure.

Aurelia- a succupixie herself originating from the same forest Emily once stumbled into. If they'd met at a younger age, it would have been purely coincidental and not at all sexual, trust her. Blonde hair fading to ginger and deeply tanned skin, Aurelia sported a blue left eye, a green right, and was, quite honestly, a species built entirely around sexual pleasure. Unlike some, though, she used these magical talents in ways beneficial to combat, which by default a succupixie is not. While many of them strode through the streets at night looking for carnal work, Aurelia found creative ways to benefit, such as shrinking and growing throughout a battle, from four inches to four foot ten in height, making sure that she remained an untraceable opponent.

Finally, Charlotte. Tall and physically mature nearly to a fault, she was in some ways rather bipolar- at times aggressive, violent and sadistic- and at others a soft and gentle housewife, bringing snacks and hugs. The softer side was rarely seen, but with hair comprised of many purples and blues streaked together, a bushy cat's tail, the arch- or, the strongest of a given species- Cheshire Cat was the fourth and final permanent companion belonging to Hina's party.

Of course, there were a few honorable mentions. Lily, the loli she'd saved only to discover had died again. Lily was saved by a golem named Thorn, another to join Hina's allies but not party, and now she, Lily, was a mutated sort of monster girl, drifting in and out of shadow to accomplish that which should be impossible.

Aerendyl, who'd eventually revealed himself to be the arch of gods- meaning, in essence, the christian god. Appearing as a renaissance angel turned rogue, with jaggedly good looks like a marble statue turned sexy, he'd recently decided to seal his own powers for a time, stepping down and letting another take over, whenever they may.

The Mirian queens, take- Aurum, Argentum, and Iaspis, the collective demon known as Cerberus. Her father, brought here from another world like her... so many, so many names and faces, so much happening in such a short window of time, so much-

"Hina!" Emily hugged her suddenly, trying to get attention, cupping her cheeks insistently. "Are you okay?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I was just thinking. Still tired," She answered with a soft shrug, reaching up to slowly pat Emily's head, melting calmly when the Devil leaned up and pushed into a kiss, crushing their breasts and chests together slowly, heads angling.

"Mn, humu humu~" Emily giggled softly and broke the kiss, exhaling slowly. "Hinaaaaaaa, you know what we should really do~?"

"Hm~?" Hina laughed, the sound lighthearted and calm. As if she couldn't guess with the two of them alone in a shower. "Whatever could you be suggesting, Emily~?"

"Aha, I think you knowwww~" The girl of lilac and thorns smiled, her tail slowly curling around until Hina's voice carried and carried further.


So, it was fairly simple, wasn't it? Life wasn't bad- it was safe, calm, and easy for the moment. One might have grown restless, if such a situation were left to sit for too long, but even so, Hina inarguably held a good lot right now, ever since...

The most recent stretch of her journey, just before her father had been reincarnated along with her. Hina ventured into the heart of Mir, the nation of every breed's, forest district on intel about a powerful golem and potential ally. After subjecting herself to some rather questionable methods of interrogation, Hina was believed as an ally and gained herself a friend who could, potentially, turn the tide of any battle. That aside, though- her mind was healed. Abused as a child and put through hell in this world, Hina had, in some aspects, become a broken shell of her former self, fighting mindlessly and understanding that one day, she would simply die. Now, though, she'd been graced with a new mindset- put simply, one that wasn't broken, that could grow and move on.

Now, with her father here, as well, there was only one last thought to come across.

"You two done fucking? Can Hina still walk? Good." Charlotte nodded, smiling, right back to an air that screamed dominatrix, now. "So, we need to sort details on taking a trip to Underland, to see what you guys think of it~!" Underland- one of the nine hells, and arguably the most dangerous, some called it seven, some eight, some nine. However, it wasn't a bad place; Underland simply possessed some of the most scarily strong warriors, monsters and both known to exist.

"Right... so, will it be simple as your taking us into the hall of exits?" Hina angled her head, curious, blushing faintly and ignoring the comment about sex. The hall of exits was an odd hallway with which Charlotte held ties unknown, bridging Underland, this world and many others, perhaps even the Earth that Hina had once come from.

"Simple as that, yes, though I'll have to take you through one at a time. For all your strengths, Hina, you don't belong to Underland, so you'll need a guide; and of course, that includes getting you in. It shouldn't take more than twenty minutes to migrate us all, though, so that's not a problem. What I wanted to ask you is this; do you want to bring your dad?"

"Yes!! Wait-" Hina paused, her brow furrowing slowly. Of course, it would be amazing to bring him along, and to catch up, but if they happened to land themselves in some sort of danger... if her father was there for that, she would of course try to protect him, but she'd stepped into a world of gods and monsters long ago, so would even she be strong enough to force back the potential threats of Underland.

"Don't worry," Charlotte assured with a small smile. "The Queen herself is my friend, so you should all be safe with me, father included. Why not bring him along? We can keep the noise down when he's trying to sleep, can't we~?"

"You deviant," Nao snickered, returning to the room with Aurelia, both of them having changed into fresh clothes, Aurelia's typical bodice visible under short shorts and a tank top, Nao wearing a casual sweater with leggings. "What are you, a demon straight from hell~?"

"You're one to talk, you freak," Charlotte answered with a jokingly-condescending grin.

"Oh, I'm sorryyyyy, is the demon girl from hell trying to pick a fight? I'm one too, you know~" Nao stuck her tongue out, giggling.

"To be fair," Aurelia cut in, bantering with a grin. "Charlotte did beat the hell out of Hina, didn't she? You, Nao, couldn't touch Hina, so by extent~"

"So whaaaat? You think that just because you're some perverted half-assed ronin who knows how to wield blade and magic, you'd take me down? Like hell~" Nao stuck her tongue out more dramatically and made a childishly playful noise before her seriousness broke and she devolved into cheerful laughter. In fact, the lot of them did- right now they were unquestionably on top of the world, and it was a good feeling in every context... and one that needed attention called to.

"So then," Charlotte cut in lazily, her tail slowly winding through and around her thighs from the bed where she lay again. "Shall we... get going?" There was a pause, a slightly heavy air... was it already time to set this into motion?

Yeah, it probably was, wasn't it?

"Why the hell not?"