Trees are Nice

Fang ducked, catching the hand where her head had been a moment ago, and slammed her opened palm upward, listening to the sickening crunch of bone, the scream of her attacker as he staggered back. No time to give him attention, she turned, answering another attack with a swerve and kick of her own. There weren't enough of them, the wolfish woman thought with a crazed laugh, pivoting, yanking one of the attackers back against her chest and shooting over his shoulder, watching the bodies fall.

"You... will never, end us..." Fang snarled, and bit into the side of his neck, this one being the last, watching his body collapse, lifeless, to the cement flooring. Chewing, swallowing, she snorted, wiping her mouth, and kicked the body away. "Pathetic," the final word to leave her as she regained composure, the fire in her eyes dying, replaced by nothing more than coldness and calculation.


Hina woke, panting, on her hands and knees in the forest. Her clothes gone, save for the scraps of her stockings and a thick leather collar round her neck, she looked up at the hopefully-legal blonde girl. No, definitely, the way she seemed to hold the powers of some eldritch being far beyond her, Hina's, comprehension... but that didn't matter, not anymore. Her flute, gone, Hina couldn't call on the kitsune... her mind was too hazy to focus on any sort of spellcasting, and her weapons were gone, so even something like stabbing the girl was out of the question.

"Why are we... here..." Hina asked softly, cheeks red, chest heaving. Her breasts felt heavy, her body hot, slick and glistening with sweat and the dew underneath her. "Let me go back to my friends..."

"No, no, no... not yet, at the very least, I still wanna have so much more fun with you! I'm not bored yet, and when I am, I can just give you to my wolves or something- probably easier than taking you home, I don't know~"

"W-Why here, in the w-woods...?" Hina pleaded softly, chest heaving still, nipples slowly perking up, arousal strengthening in her belly, warming her.

"Oh, that's simple, I just thought that you'd feel at home among your new kind," The lolita-styled demoness smiled and sank to her knees, tipping Hina's chin up. Just as soon as the badger girl had cast her emerald orbs upward, she gasped, recognizing the feeling of tentacles coiling around her calves slowly, cinching her ankles and moving up, hooking round the backs of her knees.

"No, no n-not this again," Hina pleaded, looking back at the electric-blue tentacles slowly spiraling around her, pathing through the mud to wrap under her knees and up, starting her thighs toward bondage.

"Oh no, don't worry Hina, this isn't the same thing, you won't become a statue~ I give you my word, may the universe shred me to pieces if I'm lying~" The loli smiled, rubbing Hina's cheek, and the badger girl, afraid, tried to sit up on her knees, struggle. As she began to move, though, more tentacles sprang from the dirt under her, grabbing her wrists.

"Oh, you want to sit up? Let me help," Hina's kidnapper whispered, and the Fell Hero gasped as her hands, arms, were yanked behind her back, forcing Hina to sit up with no control of her limbs anymore, struggling futilely as her thighs were bound more and more thoroughly. "Why don't you trust me~? I said you won't be a statue, I just thought you'd be more comfortable here among your own kind~"

"What do you mean, among my own k-kind?!" Hina groaned out, straining, nipples perking up slowly, her back arched. Try and try as she might, though, she couldn't break free, couldn't escape, couldn't help herself at all.

"Isn't it obvious?" The queen of Underland smiled, cupping Hina's chin and demanding eye contact, a raunchy grin on her face, unsettling, unnatural. "Why else would I bring you to a forest, if not to make you one with the trees~?" One of the tentacles slowly grinding along her slit, another sliding up, coiling around her right breast slowly, kneading, pulling.

"W-What the hell, N-No-!" Hina blurted out, moaning sharply as the tentacle slammed into her, thrusting deep. "W-What do you mean, make me one with the trees?! C-Come on, we can talk about this, what do you even w-want from me?!"

"Fun, that's all I want," The queen murmured gently in answer, snickering as Hina's voice rose slowly in a moan, her thighs being yanked apart, body fucked deeper, harder, the badger girl panting raggedly and rolling her hips, another tentacle slowly curling round her soft left breast, pulling, kneading, massaging.

"You can't be serious- what do you mean, o-one with the trees?!" Hina softly pleaded, shaking her head, a tentacle sliding up her back, her voices rising further, moans spiking. "D-Damnit, I'm gonna...!" I'm g-gonna!!!" Moaning like a whore, Hina came, a tentacle quietly looping around her neck, not choking her, but holding her steady, more of them wrapping around her arms, waist. "S-Stop, why does it feel good-?! WAIT-!!!" Moaning louder, Hina rolled her hips as best she could, starting to enjoy herself, somehow.

"That's right~ give up, Hina, come on~"

"N-Ng~!" Her hips rolling, Hina yelped, climaxing, the tentacle railing her harder, badger girl herself straining, feeling her rationale fading. "I'm...!!!" Climaxing, again, Hina's lips parted in a desperate 'o' as she came, and came, again, and again, her eyesight blurring from the onslaught of pleasure and overstimulation. So lost was she in her realm of hazy pleasure, she didn't notice the tentacles growing higher, cracking, stiffening slowly, taking on a faint green hue like the limbs of a budding tree.

"Yes~" The queen was laughing, but Hina's mind was no longer present enough even to hear as the tentacles around her thickened further, parting her breasts and thighs still more, though sparing her pain. Darkening in color, still more tentacles growing up round her, the hero didn't even realize that she was doomed, climaxing, rolling her hips, desperate for more, fucked endlessly, bark surfacing slowly on the tentacles around her, beginning to encase her. "You're giving into it so well~"

"Ng, what's, happening~?!" Tentacles totally covering her legs, feet pulled slightly into the mud of the forest floor, Hina arched get back and looked to the sky as a tentacle slipped up, slowly pushing into her mouth, gagging her for a moment before she adjusted, her throat being used by the forest's appendage. "Ng~?!" Fucked from both ends, more of them slowly wrapping over her head, shoulders, until, at last, Hina moaned out and came, chaining until her mind faded away into black, bark surfacing, spreading, and growing up, the girl that was Hina now nothing more than a seed for the magnificent white-leafed tree that stood there. Somewhere, she was fucked, never ending, among the roots... but she was no longer a person, not at all.

"Ah, don't think I'm done with you," Cthulu smiled, thinking aloud. "I'll let you enjoy this for a while before we move on, though~"


"Aye!" One of the soldiers murmured to her, Emily, in hushed tones. "Fang goes by many a name, wouldn't you guess. They've called her an alchemist, a warrior, a god, an immortal. Angel, Ashen Demon, Witcher, Slayer, Vanquisher... The Frozen-Blood, Bobcat, Render, Steel-Tooth, torpedo... black-blood, and more. If there is a bright point to our curse, it is that our legend spans the multiverse, and every so often, we meet those who, rather than fearing or misunderstanding us, treat us with warm hearts and open doors."

"I see..." Emily murmured, walking along, her lilac skin glistening slightly with sweat where exposed. The forest here was muggy, the air heavy with scents of drugs and allure- though, thankfully, not the drugs from before. Of them all, Akihiro seemed the most agitated, but he was keeping his promise to stay out of harm's way- sticking close to the group and toward the center.

"We're approaching the capitol!" Fang, from the lead, shouted out sharply. "Stay close together, and do not make eye contact with the residents of the city more than you can help! There will be temptation to stay and drown in pleasure, any direction you look! Resist, move as one with the group, and we'll all be fine!!" Within moments of her shouts ending, indeed, the trees fell away, and Emily blinked around, stunned. On either side of a wide road that soon became cobbled, tall and beautiful architecture rose into the air, marble and granite, brick, even wood in places. It was such a hodgepodge, every district of Mír might have merged into one to form this district. As well, before long, there were indeed citizens all over- succubi, of course, but also people who looked fairly normal. Young girls, definitely ones who didn't look to be of legal age, also sulked at some of the street corners, peeking around curiously, and with an innocent expression that lied maliciously. Incubi with leathery wings strode freely, kitsune and nekomata ran amok, and more species, from harpies, to- there, a slime on that balcony- there, another chochin obake, like Nao... there was such a colorful array of humans, demons- almost none of them clothed fully, if at all- and then, things that Emily didn't even WANT to know how they'd come to live in the hell of lust. Horse-like demons with five legs and jaws billowing smoke and ash, young dragons and wyverns, wolves, odd plantlike men and women, fairies... there was, truly, no end to them.

"What's all the buzz...?" To Emily's right, Nao questioned softly, linking arms with Emily. "The townsfolk seem excited, more than a normal town should be, normally, I think is normal."

"Are you tired? I might hit you if you say normal again," Emily teased softly.

"Why are we excited?!" A fairy chittered- five inches tall, naked, and violently redheaded. "The greatest warriors in the land are gathering here, this week, for the tournament of the gods! Duels to the death or to forfeit with one of the greatest prizes imaginable!! What's not to be excited about?! God, I wish I could fuck some of the people signing up, they're wayyyyyy too hot. You're not here to compete, then?! So many weapons!! I bet you'd stand a good chance!!"

"Er, no, we're not here to compete," Nao replied. "The prize, what is it...?"

"A favor from Cthulu herself!!! There's no way I'm magically talented enough to fight, but I wish I was, I really do, I'd wish to get bigger so I can take more partners! Make me an Amazon, or something!! What brings you guys here, anyway?!" She leapt up, sitting on her ankles atop Emily's head, and the ex-Devil blinked rapidly, surprised. "You guys seem scary, can I tag along?!"

"Uh..." Emily hesitated, confused.

"It's fine," Charlotte spoke up, looking around without any interest herself. "General rule of thumb here; if it's not big enough to force you, you can talk to it. If it's not big enough to stand tall as your waist, it's also likely not magical enough to force you. No real threats to hanging around a fairy."

"Then, sure...?" Emily, confused, stretched and continued walking.

"Great, call me the fairy! That's what travelers usually call me, since I'm the fairy." She the tiny, redheaded mischief-maker cackled softly, clearly very amused with herself.

"You don't have a name...?" Nao angled her brow, peering above Emily, who ruffled her wings, slow and awkward, downy feathers shifting and clicking where razor edges bumped against each other.

"I do! It's the fairy~! That's what my dad's called me ever since he found out I was into girls- not that he cares."

"What the fu-" Nao began murmuring softly to herself, but Fang's voice interjected.

"Approaching market square, point o seven to the palace!"

"Why do they call her so many things, anyway?" Emily craned her neck to softly ask the soldier who'd spoken to her before.

"Well, because she's been so many places, and taken on so many challenges with us. Even though we tag along, she's the commander- so our successes are her own as well." The raspy voice returned calmly, face hidden behind a tinted helmet.

"I see... I wonder what this is going to turn into, if that's the case..." Emily murmured. "Are all your journeys so violent...?"

"Aye, at one point or another," the soldier returned softly.

"Sounds like it's time to kill people!! I always say we should solve problems with sex, but I'm too small to follow through sometimes, so I end up having to run..." the fairy sighed, hopping down, and Emily started as the tiny woman slipped between her, Emily's, breasts, the fairy's arms, chest and head poking out. "Free ride!"

"O-Oi!" Emily, almost laughing, shook her head. "What is up with you."

"I'm just curious!!" The rabble of the city, about now, was beginning to die away, and the buildings giving way to unsettlingly well-groomed palace courtyard, each tree and shrub groomed into the shapes of stacked hearts- within a moment, Fang slowly held up a hand.

"Keep quiet as we enter, let us do the talking. We let emotions rule us, and Cthulu already has us dominated. Are we clear? Akihiro, Nao, I'm thinking most specifically of you."

"Yeah, I understand. I will not put her in danger," Akihiro nodded, and Nao agreed with a small grunt, eyes dark.

"There are no guards- don't trust it. She's expecting it," Fang sighed, walking up the steps- grand gray marble, and the double doors at their climax, burnished bronze with black checkers painted on, opened automatically, slowly creaked inward to reveal a beautiful antechamber of marble and quartz. As the party stepped forward, another pair of small, colorful doors opened, and revealed the room beyond.

It was gorgeous- truly a throne room fit for a god, with every gem in this world and the next inlaid on a grand throne. A young blonde woman sat there, looking rather childish for how oversized her blue dress was- smiling, of course.

"Welcome to my palace, cuties~! Whatever are you visiting for- and FANG, my old friend?! How have you been?!"

"We've come looking for a missing person- Hina, badger girl, fell hero. You've seen her, I assume?" Fang opened, keeping her weapons stored away, right hand subtly lifting in case she needed to grab one.

"Oh, of course I have, just look up!" The queen, Cthulu, laughed, and Emily looked skyward, confused.

"Oh, god... the chandelier..."