Snow White's Untold Story

Mirror, Mirror please be alive.

Let them know who's Snow White.

Is she lovely, is she good?

Tell them the story that is untold.

Listen well all of you,

You need to know what is true.

Don't be deaf, don't be blind,

By Snow White charm and smiles.

As we all know there's a seven dwarfs,

Who are they, what's their part,

On Snow White's story,

On her untold tragedy.

Snow White is a Princess of grace and beauty,

But little did we know she's also crazy.

She make tons of Mistakes.

She did something that can make us dazed.

She make the Prince fall on her charms,

Then make him pleasure her everytime.

When she got bored she played with him,

Or I must say the body of him?

She cut his head and place it on the table.

But do you know what is subtle?

That is Snow White pick a too pointed knife,

Then she engraved a story on his hands, chest and thighs.

When she get satisfied,

Snow White's imagination is wide.

She make the animals called the dwarfs,

She played dead, she played her part.

When the dwarfs get home she cast a spell,

"You'll be mine, you're under my spell.

You will adore me, you'll follow me,

I will hold your life, sweeties."

When the witch gave the apple to Snow White,

She grabbed it and have a bite.

She never died, she never fainted,

The story is just for kids acquaintance.

The truth is that she gone crazy,

She became lustful and horny.

She killed all the dwarfs. Yes, she killed them,

She doesn't remember anything.

All she know is that she wants pleasure,

Even if they're dead she used them all.

Rocking their body every midnight,

Pleasuring herself, wanting more life.

Years later nothing happened.

Still Snow White is also a victim.

She also eat them gradually,

Their brain, eyes and their bodies.

When there's no body to use,

She cried every night, she somewhat loose

Her patience, her soul, her everything.

In the game she started she didn't win.

Her body is aching and craving for more,

But there's nothing that can brought her pleasure.

She then took the knife,

That is when she decided to end her life.