Lesson Six

"On your mark, get set… Go!"

Ling raced off on the track, far ahead of everyone else. Xiao, along with the rest of her schoolmates that tagged along cheered for Ling, who blew them a kiss before making her way past the finish.

Ling quickly looped around to the sides and after a while, entered the locker rooms and came back out. She was greeted by Xiao who gave her a hug.

"You're all sweaty and gross…" Xiao murmured.

"You're the one that hugged me," Ling teased.

"Shut up…" Xiao murmured again, "You smell like adrenaline… I like it, it suits you…" She added.

"Man was that cool!" Bai exclaimed, coming out of seemingly nowhere, "I didn't know you could run that fast, Yue!"

"Oh! Classmate Bai Shan! I didn't realize you'd be here too!" Ling said, breaking away from Xiao, "What got you to come along?"

"Oh, just decided to come along to see you perform, hadn't seen one before so I decided why not, seems fun!"

"Is that so?" Ling replied, "You should come to these more often! I don't see you all too often!"

"Heh, you're always skipping out on us!" Bai said, "Be cool if you could join us tonight maybe? We're having a little get together, you can even bring Classmate Xiao Lin!"

"Oh! Sure, Xiaoxiao, you want to go?" Ling asked.

"Mmm, sure… I don't have any plans for tonight, let's go," Xiao responded, "I think it'll be… fun…"

"This is the place?" Xiao asked, "Well, whatever, let's go in," She murmured before grabbing Ling's hand, "To calm myself down…"

"D'aww, Xiaoxiao, you're so cute!" Ling exclaimed before rubbing her head against Xiao's head, then plucking a kiss on her cheek, "Come on then,"

Ling knocked loudly on the door.

"Who is it?" A voice called out.

"It's Ling Yue and Xiao Lin! Let us in!" Ling said.

The rustling of locks unlocking was heard and the door swung open, "Hey Yue, hey Classmate Xiao Lin!" Bai Shan exclaimed, "Welcome welcome! Come on in!"

The pair invited themselves in and were immediately pulled apart by all of Ling's friends. Ling was forced around the house while Xiao just… Awkwardly stood around.

Damn, I don't know any of these people! Xiao thought to herself.

Suddenly, an arm wrapped around Xiao, "You havin' fun, Classmate Xiao Lin?" Bai Shan asked.

"Ah, yes…" Xiao murmured, "It's very… Interesting… I will say," She added.

"Oh! I know! I'll introduce you to a guy! He's single and really into the nerdy type like yourself!" Bai Shan exclaimed.

"Oh, no tha-"

Bai Shan pulled Xiao along and placed her in front of a young man, probably no older than herself.

"This is Sun Yichen! He's a senior with plans to go to Shanghai University!" Bai Shan said, "Since I know you're going to Nanjing University, you guys can still keep in touch! It's close enough!"

Sun looked from Bai Shan to Xiao Lin and smiled, "Hello," He said, extending a hand to her, "It's nice to meet you,"

She shook his hand, "It's nice to meet you too…" She said, then turning to Bai Shan, "I'm… Flattered, but I'm actually… Already in a relationship…"

"Why didn't you say sooooo?" Bai Shan said, "Give us a second, Classmate Sun Yichen! We'll be back in a minute maybe!"

Bai Shan wheeled Xiao around the corner, "Who is it? I only ever see you hang out with Yue!" Bai Shan exclaimed. She was silent for a few moments before speaking again, "Oh! I know, it was an excuse to get out of it, wasn't it! I guess he did seem to clash with your personality…"

"No," Xiao said, "That's not it, I am dating someone,"

"Eh? Who are you-"

"Xiaoxiao!" Ling exclaimed before pulling Xiao into a hug, "I lost you and when I went back to where you were you weren't there! Are you okay? We can go if you're ready!"

"I'm okay," Xiao said, "Come with me really quick…" She said, pulling Ling away. The two disappeared around a corner, and, after looking around for anyone around them, Xiao kissed Ling.

"Yeah… I'm ready to go…" Xiao said.

Just as the two were about to leave, however, they spotted Bai Shan watching them. As they made eye contact with her, she ran off.

"Ehh? Bai Shan?! Wait up!" Ling exclaimed, chasing after her. Xiao also gave chase, but soon lost Ling and Bai.

"Damn, where'd they run off to!" Xiao muttered under her breath. She began to run around looking for the two before she heard two voices from the back patio.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Bai Shan cried, "We're friends, all this time, it just feels like you were lying to me!"


"I'm your best friend," Bai continued, "I don't care who you're with… I just want to know, it's important and you shouldn't hide that stuff from me… I don't care which way you swing, or who you're in love with, I just want to know the important things about you, otherwise, are we even friends?"

Ling heaved a sigh, "You're right… I shouldn't have hid it from you… And I shouldn't have assumed how you'd react…"

Bai Shan let out a sigh, "I don't know how other people might view you and Xiao… But I'm your friend, no matter what happens, I'll be your biggest supporter. You aren't twisted or weird for it. I can't force you to think a certain way… But at some point, you have to stop caring what other people will think…"

"Mm…" Ling murmured, "I'll… I'll try… And I'll speak to Xiaoxiao about it…" She said, "But no promises…"

Bai Shan sort of chuckled, "Heh, I guess that's the best I can hope for, huh? But… Do keep what I said in mind, I don't care… And I support you both, so don't hide things from me,"

There was a shuffling as they both started to come back into the house, so Xiao quickly whipped around a corner and fled.

"Sorry that got a bit out of hand at the end, Xiaoxiao," Ling said, "But I explained things, everything's okay now!"

The two walked in silence for a while before Xiao stopped and began muttering something under her breath.

"Hmmm? Something the matter?" Ling asked.

"Can… Or… Are you able to come to my place tonight?" Xiao asked, "Like- as in spend the night…"

"Eh? Y-Yeah, lemme just let my mom know real quick, I can totally spend the night with you!" Ling replied.

Ling pulled out her phone and called her mother, after a few rings, she picked up, "Hey mom! I'm going to spend the night at Xiao Lin's!" She said, "Mm… Mm… Yeah, I'll be home tomorrow morning!"

Ling patted Xiao's head, "Looks like I'm good to go for tonight," She said, "You feeling okay? Everything okay?"

"Mm… Yeah, everything's okay…" Xiao said, "I'm just feeling a bit… I don't even know, scared, I guess,"

Ling giggled, "Well, if you're ever feeling scared, just say the word and Ling Yue will come swooping in to help!"

Xiao grabbed onto Ling's hand, "Thank you so much," She said before plucking a kiss on Ling's cheek, "Shall we be off then?"