Chapter 3

Alan was sitting cross-legged on his bed, his hands were completely white and he had a hole in the middle, the rest of the skin on his body was the same color as before, but there were two scars on his face, one above his right eye. and another below your left eye going to your mouth.

He had totally red hair that went to his shoulder and also had red eyes.

Around him four hands were spinning, he was dominating his sixth hand, Gaster's powers had several divisions, one was his hands, he needed to dominate each hand, he did it reaching level 101 with each hand

In total there were 7 hands, when he activated a hand, the hole in his hand shone in a different color, there were 7 colors in total, each was the color of a soul, he had to have total dominance over the hands before moving forward for training each color.

He had mastered until the 5th hand and was almost completing the sixth, as for the colors, he had already mastered blue, thanks to the power of Sans.


An explosion can be heard, it is time for the rescue, when Alan wished his story to the old man, he said everything exactly as he wanted, and that was one of them

The researchers die with the explosion, those who are alive, along with the live guinea pigs are killed by Alan, because free exp is always welcome.

A group of policemen enter the room Alan was in, Alan discreetly injures his leg, enough for a 10-year-old to be unable to walk for a short time, but nothing serious

Alan falls and passes out, until he wakes up in a hospital.


(Alan Pov)

Alan wakes up and looks around, he's in a hospital room, his hands are trapped, which is useless, since I can separate my hand from the rest of the arm, and control it, I started training my sixth hand and dominated, now only the seventh is left.

after a few minutes, someone knocks on the door and opens it, before I can answer.

A middle-aged doctor enters, followed by Shota Aizawa and a police officer

They asked some questions, but Alan answered with his 'Performance', a skill that he leveled up to the last level, in addition to the 'Lying' skill, which was almost at the same level

After the main questions, Aizawa asked:

"And boy, what's your name?"

"Experiment 101." said Alan

"What's your quirk?" asked Aizawa

Alan explained his quirk, it was quite strong and surprised all three.

"Your case is closed, you are innocent." declared the policeman, it seemed that those two skills were not improved by now, Aizawa was happy because of what the policeman said, even though Aizawa did not appear to be an emotional person, he was.

Aizawa: "You will be here for a while, then it will be decided what will happen to you."

Aizawa, the doctor and the police officer leave the room, when Alan leaves he continues to train his seventh hand.

(A week later)

I've already mastered the seventh hand, now I'm going to start training the colors, but I hear a knock on the door

Aizawa and the same police officer enter, Aizawa says:

"Your new name will be Akira, we take care of the legal stuff, your last name is Aizawa." That was one of the requests I made to the god, to be somehow brother of Aizawa, with his personality it would be impossible, but with a wish I made to the god, it was possible, and I chose Aizawa because I always thought he was a cool character.