
When he walked to where Gabriela should be waiting for him. He saw a girl with her short brown hair tied in a back ponytail, her small waist tied with a white belt, and her light green eyes as her eyes met his hazel ones. They were about the same height and both had short hair, but you could easily tell who the girl was. Gabriela had a sexy, tomboyish, dangerous look going for her. Gabriela walked towards Philip, smiling as she was thinking he looked cool in the uniform. When she met his light clear hazel eyes, she had realized that she never really noticed how pretty they were.

Philip explained the rules of the fight before beginning. It was basically a fight of tolerance, a fight to see who would give in first. They took their battle stances and began to fight. Gabriela was way stronger and faster than he thought. 'She is 2 years younger than me, with no previous training, how can she be so good at fighting, although her technique is off.' Starting to get distracted by his thoughts as the match lingered on, Gabriela was able to knock him down, only for him to roll having her now underneath him. Both panting as the fight lasted longer than they expected, Philip stared straight into Gabriela's eyes. Hazel versus Green. Having her hands pinned above her, struggling to get free, sweat slowly came down her face, past her eyes down to her cheeks, to her slightly parted lips...

Philip jumped off of Gabriela, offering her a hand to get up. Surprisingly she accepted. He pulled her up a bit too fast, thinking she would be heavier, they ended up colliding into each other. Lips smashed into lips. Both shocked for a brief moment before Gabriela pushes away. Philip licked his lips as he felt them a bit sticky after the kiss, only to taste the sweetness of cherries. Gabriela ran to the girls' locker room and took a deep breath, before touching her lips. She then went to the sink to wash her sweaty face and wipe off her lips. She was reminded of things she didn't want to remember. After a few moments, she walked out of the locker room and sat to where she was before when they were getting ready to fight. After Gabriela left Philip to himself, he smiled in satisfaction. His bliss of touching her, kissing her (accidentally), tasting her lip gloss, came to a sudden stop when he saw her light green eyes now red, as she looked up at him. She had been sitting on the bench with her arms wrapped around her bent knees and her head on her knees, staying vigilant to her surroundings as she waited for Philip to take her home.

Seeing his little kitten in such a state, he rushed down in front of her, holding himself back from touching her. "Are you ok? What happened?" he asked frantically. Gabriela asked him to help her up as she was short on energy at the moment while trying her best to smile. Philip turned around and told her to get on his back. "What? Why? I can walk." you could notice her fatigue as she spoke, she wanted to avoid physical contact with him at the moment, especially something like leaning on his back. Philip didn't listen, not knowing what was going inside his 'little kittens' mind, he thought it best to take her somewhere for some fresh air and lunch. He apologized before grabbing Gabriela and pulling her onto his back. Feeling embarrassed and unable to get out of his grip, Gabriela just wrapped her legs and arms around him, hiding her face from onlookers. Philip was a bit happy she finally gave in, not knowing what he would have done if she put up more of a fight.


Park Trail

Philip set Gabriela down on a park bench. The bench was on a trail that ran through the woods, so he thought this spot to be the best. The trees covered protection from the hot sun and there were barely any people around. As Gabriela sat on the bench she wiped her closed eyes (she had fallen asleep). Taking in the scenery as her eyes slowly opened, panic began to flood in her mind. Philip who was sitting next to her noticed that as she took in the surroundings she began to panic, but didn't know why. Gabriela jumped off the bench, almost falling to the ground before Philip grabbed her. She began to kick, scratch, and scream as she was in the middle of having a breakdown. Philip was worried and didn't know what happened to cause her to be like this. He forced her into an embrace trying to soothe her as he rubbed her back, not knowing what he was doing was making it worse. She continued to fight to get free as she screamed, "No get off me, I won't do it, No, I won't, You can't hurt me! I won't let you!!!" As the words registered in his mind, he began to recall Amy's hostility towards him when she thought he would hurt Gabriela and then Gabriela's own words 'damaged and alone'. He let go of her, dropping down to the ground silent, waiting, hoping she would calm down and stop screaming so he could tell her he is not going to hurt her.

Once freed Gabriela was about to run off, free from her tormentor, but then noticed that instead of him calling her names and continuing to have his way with her. He was on his knees on the ground, silent. After hearing nothing but silence for a few minutes. Philip slowly lifted only his head as he kept his arms by his side. When Gabriela's dark green, red eyes met sad hazel ones, instead of "His" grey eyes. She slowly covered her mouth, falling to the ground on her knees right in front of Philip, bawling her eyes out. Inching towards her slowly, he slowly put his arms around her and began to rub her back again, "It's ok, no one is going to hurt you, I will not hurt you. It's ok, no one is going to hurt you, I will not hurt you."

Philip and Gabriela stayed like that for who knows how long. Philip not once stopping from rubbing her back or repeating the same words over and over again. The muffled cries turned into muffled sniffles. "I am sorry, so sorry." could barely be heard among the "It's ok...." repetition. Philip finally stopped repeating the same thing and said; "It's ok, you did nothing wrong." Reminded by her Grandmother and Brother's support, Gabriela hugged Philip saying thank you before falling asleep in his embrace.