Philip had told Gabriela to wear casual clothes since they would be doing a lot of walking, not that she minded it.
Philip arrived a few minutes early. Amy told him to have a seat in the living room, explaining she will be going to spend time with a dear friend of hers this weekend. Philip wished her happiness, hoping she has a nice time. Gabriela came down with a suitcase for her Grandmother. Philip loved the way she looked. His little kitten was so sexy. She had her hair in a french braid, with a few loose strands on each side of her face. She wore a long blue blouse with short sleeves, black leggings, dangling earrings, and light makeup that matched her outfit perfectly. She also wore her most comfortable pair of walking shoes. He greeted his little kitten and they left. He explained he was taking her to an amusement park. Gabriela was surprised, but happy, saying, "Thank you, I can't wait to try the rides." Philip smiled happily with his arm around Gabriela's shoulders as they rode the bus.
"Little Kitten, we are here, let's go." He said as he took her hand and dragged her to the Entrance line. Yes, Gabriela grew fond of the name 'little kitten'. Especially, when Philip said it, it felt nice and warm. She didn't even notice when Philip had started hugging her or holding her hand, but his touch made her feel at ease. With each passing day and passing month and year, Gabriela started getting warm around him, sometimes even nervous, not the nervous she got before but like a jittery type of nervous. Monica and Natalie say it is because she is falling in love with Philip, but she brushed them off. Philip and Gabriela had a blast riding the different rides, playing games, trying food from different food stands. Before they knew it, it was already late in the afternoon. Philip took Gabriela back home.
Philip followed Gabriela inside without a second thought since spending time with her after school at her house, even eating dinner with her and Amy sometimes became natural to him. Gabriela also didn't think anything of it and offered him a drink, asking if he would be staying for dinner. He said sure, texting his mother, even though she was still at work. After dinner, Philip helped Gabriela with the dishes. Being a bit short, she had trouble putting away the plates. Philip came behind her to help. The warmth of his chest against her back and his hand touching hers as he took the plate, made her feel nervous, the warm nice kind of nervous. Philip backed away asking if she wanted to watch a movie, trying to keep his own cool. Philip helped Gabriela before with the dishes, this situation has happened tons of times, but for some reason this time it felt different, a nice, strange kind of different.
After agreeing on a movie, Gabriela went to put it in. She had to bend over to put the disc in, the long blouse she was wearing, rose up giving Philip a nice view of her nicely rounded bottom. He adjusted himself on the couch as he took in the sight. Gabriela now done with the disc grabbed the remote and sat on the couch next to Philip, oblivious to what just happened. He suggested they shower and change clothes before starting the movie. She agreed. Philip quickly grabbed his extra clothes (there was even a spot where he kept some spare clothes at Gabriela's house, with Amy's consent.) then jumped into a cold shower.
When he was done, he had changed into loose sweats and a t-shirt. His hair covering some of his face and the t-shirt a bit small (who knows if it was because it had shrunk or if he had grown since the last time he had worn it.) added to his manly sexiness, despite only being 16. He went and sat on the couch with a blanket close by, just in case they got cold or he needed to hide 'something'. Gabriela put on her nightgown which now came up to her mid-thigh (who knows if it was because it had shrunk or if she had grown since the last time she had worn it.), her long brown hair in a loose side ponytail.
Hearing the popcorn pop, Philip started getting nervous. Taking a deep breath, reminding himself how he has seen her in her PJs before, turned around to offer help with anything, only to be given a perfect sight of his "kitten's" curves as her nightgown was hugging her nicely and her neck and her toned legs. He quickly turned back around not saying a thing. Gabriela came with soda and popcorn, turning to Philip, "Are you ready?" she asked looking at him innocently. As soon as he said, "Yes," she placed the bowl of popcorn in his lap so she could reach over and grab the remote on the table. Sitting back down next to a frozen Philip, she started the movie. It is a rom-com that they never seen before.
During the movie, there were a few kiss scenes, but then a sex scene came up. Gabriela cringed at the scene as they made it seem so enjoyable, unlike her awful experiences with it. Feeling her shudder, he asked if she was cold. She said she wasn't, only that she didn't like how they made sex something enjoyable when the real thing is way worse. It seems to have been soo long ago that they ever talked about her past, so he had almost forgotten it. Staying close to her all this time tuned into him protecting his "little kitten" because he loved her and wanted to stay by her side. Recalling what he learned, he remembered she had been beaten and sexually abused. Did he do it to her more than once? Anger was filling his mind the more he thought of what her Dad had done to her.
Philip grabbed her hand, startled she looked into Philip's eyes before she can ask what was wrong, he explained, that sex only should hurt a little the first time, but after that, you should feel good, especially when it is with the one you love. Forgetting about the movie playing, they got lost in each other's eyes. Philip took one of his hands and lightly brushed Gabriela's cheek. A tint of pink could barely be seen by the light coming from the tv. Inching closer to the now frozen, blushing "kitten" in front of him, never breaking eye contact, the hand on her cheek, was now holding it in his hand. Once their noses were barely touching, Philip said seriously, looking straight into Gabriela's eyes, "I love you "little kitten", I love you, Gabriela." Shocked written all over her face, her eyes wide open as Philip turned his head a bit to kiss her lips. It was light, lips touching lips, when Gabriela finally took a breath, Philip, slid his tongue inside her mouth, hearing her scream, but not trying to break free, he and his tongue remained frozen for a moment to allow Gabriela to calm down. When her screams died down, he began to move his tongue slowly around hers. Unconsciously, she sucked his tongue while swallowing, causing a moan to escape his mouth. Philip was trying his best to go as slow as possible, trying to pay attention to her movements as he slid his other hand slowly up her side, almost barely touching it. He was torturing himself but didn't want to frighten Gabriela. He wanted her to enjoy this as much as he wanted to. Her eyes still open, she asked through the kiss for him to open his eyes and he immediately obliged. Seeing Philips hazel eyes, dark and full of lust, his hair....she gently touched his hair, playing with it a bit with both her hands before moving to his face, all the while his eyes were on her and his tongue explored her mouth. Feeling him touch her and touching him, the boy who stole her heart, her body began to give in to the feeling of warmth he was providing. Seeing her close her eyes and hearing her moan as her tongue began to play with his, her hands moving faster over his body, getting a feel of him, drove him off his edge. No longer able to control himself, he kissed her passionately, laying her slowly on the couch, before breaking from the kiss. Trying to ask her permission, "Is this, ok?" She felt his bulge as he asked her that and said they should move to her bedroom. As soon as he received her permission, he kissed her again before hoisting her up in a princess style carry taking her quickly to her room, laying her gently down on her bed, then going to close the bedroom door before they continued with their lovemaking.
Amy was surprised but happy to see Philip and Gabriela together. Philip asked for Gabriela's hand in marriage, using Amy as a witness. Gabriela said yes.
They got married after Gabriela turned 18 and moved in with each other. Gabriela became a stay-at-home mother, while Philip worked as a high-paying officer worker. He could have gotten a higher position but chose his wife and son over the promotion.
Yes, despite what the doctor said about not being able to have children, Gabriela and Philip were blessed with a baby boy.