Back to apartment

Alexa looks confused because it turns out that her rented key has been replaced by the landlord. After all, maybe she's been late paying several times and is always absent when she's billed. Her suitcase that was already outside seemed to be a sign that she had been kicked out. She didn't know what to do, especially now she also felt awkward being around Melvin who for some reason didn't leave immediately after dropping her off.

Alexa is confused. She sat on a chair while opening her wallet which only contained Rp.200,000 worth of money. 'This can't be enough to pay the down payment for a new rent, moreover, I still have to wait 5 days for our paycheck. I also need money to eat. Oh my God, what should I do?'

Melvin, who had been watching Alexa for a long time, suddenly took the suitcase and said, "You were kicked out of this apartment, right? Now come with me ... I will find a new rent for you."

"Oh.. it's not necessary. I don't want to bother you. You even saved me while in the pool until your body was soaking wet," Alexa said uncomfortably.

"Then where are you going now?" Melvin asked, tired of his formal language. "Speak casually, please. It's outside business hours."

"Maybe for a while I...uh I! I'll just go to my friend's apartment," Alexa answered awkwardly with nervousness then tried to contact Gea. Only her best friend she could rely on to help her because she didn't want to feel more uncomfortable with Melvin.

"Hello, Gea. Can I ask you a favor?" asked Alexa when she was connected to Gea.

"Yeah, I just happened to be relaxing in the apartment with my boyfriend," Gea answered from the phone.

"Emm... Looks like I'm not allowed to live in my rented house anymore. I've been thrown out inexplicably... I don't know how I should call it. Please allow me to stay in your apartment for a while. After payday, I will rent a new rent," explained Alexa sadly, trying not to cry because her luck was so bad. She turned her face away as Melvin looked at her seriously.

"Gosh, what bad luck for you! Well, you've come here now."

"Okay. I'll turn off the phone first."

"Okay, stay strong..."

Alexa hung up the phone and looked back at Melvin who was waiting for her. "Now I'm going to my friend's apartment."

"Under these circumstances?" Melvin looked at Alexa's body which was still wearing wet clothes.

"Come on... later I'll change clothes there all. I have to go now," Alexa said languidly then pulled her suitcase and walked out of the rented area.

Melvin sighed, looking pityingly at Alexa who slowly walked away. He ran a little to catch up then grabbed her suitcase. he lifted the suitcase, put it on his shoulder easily as if there was no weight, making Alexa dumbfounded to stop walking.

"Come on, let's go ... I'll take you," said Melvin as he walked to the car.

"Aren't you going to be busy?" Alexa asked as she followed Melvin.

"Busy or not, if I don't want to go to the office, no one will dare to punish me," Melvin replied casually.

Alexa was silent and followed Melvin who slowly arrived at the car. The man immediately put his suitcase in the trunk, then opened the door for her to enter.

"Thank you," she said.

Melvin just kept quiet and closed the sports car door again, then he got in and immediately drove to Gea's apartment.

During the trip, Alexa just stared at the outside view from the car window. She was silent in fatigue and also confused to overcome all the problems that hit her.

"Have you had breakfast?" Melvin asked because, at the restaurant meeting, they only drank coffee and snacks.

Alexa shook her head.

"You just get dizzy. we should stop by a cafe or restaurant to eat," said Melvin with a flat look.

Alexa looked down at her wet clothes. "I'd better go straight to the apartment. I want to change clothes and maybe I'll eat there," she said.

"Yes, fine then."

Melvin accelerated his car so he could arrive at Gea's apartment faster. He looked worried about Alexa who now looked pale and lethargic. 'Somehow, I feel so bad luck,' she thought.


in the apartment, Gea was tidying up the messy bed caused by her doing with her boyfriend who was much older than her. the man named Bastian Lee is around 30 years old and has a charming appearance with a body that is not too tall, does not have a beard and his face looks like a typical Indonesian.

"Are you sure your friend can keep our relationship a secret?" Bastian asked while putting on his clothes. Ah, it turns out that he and Gea just did....

"I'm sure. She can be trusted and very innocent," replied Gea who was still only wearing a white bathrobe and her hair was still wet. It looks like she just took a shower after doing it...

Bastian sighed, then approached Gea who was arranging the pillows, then hugged her from behind. "I hope her presence doesn't make it difficult for me to make love to you."

"It will not happen. bas, because she will obey all the rules that I make instead of being kicked out," said Gea, turning to look at the man. "I hope you relax when she is around. And ..."

"And what?" Bastian asked, bringing his forehead together with Gea's.

"Hurry up to marry me," Gea shouted, bending her face.

Bastian sighed and looked away. He turned to walk to the window and looked outside the apartment.

"You can't marry me, right? Well... That's not a problem. I'll get out of here and find another place to rent with my friend." Gea snarled.

"Gea, don't be like that. I need the perfect time and reason to divorce my wife and marry you. This is not an easy thing!"

"Yes, I know. You love her, that's why you have a hard time letting go. I'll just look for another mate, who is still single and certainly younger than you. In that club I could find a better man than you. ' said Gea casually as she took her clothes from the closet.

Bastian immediately went to Gea and pushed her so that she was lying on the bed, then pressed her, staring at her face so closely. "Are you threatening me?" he asked in a low groan.

"Bastian let me go!" Gea felt breathless and tried to push Bastian out of her body, but it was very difficult because Bastian would instead take off her bathrobe again with emotion...

Ting.. tong...

Suddenly, the bell rang from the main door.

for a moment Gea was silent along with Bastian. They looked at each other as if confused.

"That must be my friend!" Gee panicked.

"What if my wife?" Bastian panicked.

"You better hide!" cried Gea removing Bastian from above her body. She got out of bed and hurriedly put on her bathrobe straps. "Quickly hide!"

Bastia finally decided to hide under the bed, while Gea rushed out of the room to meet the guest with a feeling of anxiety because she was worried that her guest was the wife of her lover. Ah, she is a little naughty for being someone's husband's lover.