Know about Bastian

Gea was silent while glancing at Bastian and Alexa who seemed to know each other.

"You two know each other?" Gea confirmed.

"He's my boss's husband," replied Alexa, looking back at Bastian awkwardly. "Why are you here... in Gea's room?"

Bastian was silent as if he was thinking about how to deal with Alexa because all this time he didn't know that his wife's secretary was named Alexa because he didn't care about his wife's company.

"Eh, he's your boss's husband?" Gea looks nervous because her secret as a husband's lover will surely be exposed.

Bastian got out of bed and approached Alexa. With his flat gaze and acting like a snob he looked down at the girl and said, "I hope you don't interfere with this matter. You don't mind what you see and don't say anything to my wife about my relationship with Gea."

Alexa gasped silently, glancing at the man as if she was disappointed and didn't think why her best friend could be someone's husband's lover.

"I allow you to stay here. I will provide facilities for you but stay calm and don't tell Siska about my relationship with Gea!" Bastian exclaimed sternly and then reached into his bottom trouser pocket to retrieve his wallet. he took several bills which amounted to quite a lot and then gave them to Alexa. "Take this money, I will transfer many more."

"But, sir...."

"You need a place to stay, I need the comfort of my relationship with Gea. So, just accept this money. and we agreed to hide this fact from anyone!" Bastian confirmed then grabbed Alexa's left hand and put the money into Alexa's palm with a little roughness.

Alexa and Gea were still both silent, not knowing what to say.

after that, Bastian approached Gea and asked her to talk outside while Alexa was in the room to quickly change clothes.


Alexa quietly wears clothes in the form of black jeans combined with a white t-shirt by showing the circumference of her stomach and short sleeves. She sat on the dressing table chair, then took the hairdryer to dry her hair.

'So, Mrs. Siska's husband cheated on Gea? How come? Why does Gea want to be someone's husband's mistress? What if Mrs. Siska bumps into her... humiliating her... It will be very fatal because Mrs. Siska is very bad.' Alexa monologues with herself while drying her hair. She turned to glance at the money on the dresser that Bastian had given her.

"That money ... I always needed that money, but ... I never used bribes," she said doubtfully. she felt that she had to advise Gea not to be with Bastian but she also felt embarrassed. If it turns out that her best friend loves Bastian, moreover, she has helped her a lot, it makes her feel bad if she gets too involved in her love relationship even though it is a bad thing wrong.

The bedroom door is open. Alexa turned towards the door and saw Gea who had just entered casually walking towards her, not like she looked so nervous.

"Turns out he's your boss's husband... I just found out," Gea muttered as she sat on the edge of the dressing table, glancing at Alexa who was now polishing her face with foundation.

"Did you just know that he is a married man?" asked Alexa in surprise.

Gea just nodded.

"Then are you going to continue this forbidden relationship?" Alexa asked again while applying the powder.

"I don't know... He's too kind and too sweet to forget. He's my ideal husband figure and also the owner of this apartment. I can't just end this relationship. Maybe, he has his reasons for having an affair," Gea explained casually. She stood and glanced at the money on the table. "You just accept the money for your needs, and I beg you to remain silent so we can stay here."

"But what you are doing is a mistake. Mrs. Siska could have scolded and even embarrassed you. She is a very annoying woman. If I had not been in debt to the company, I might have resigned a long time ago." Alexa reminded her angrily imagining that when she was already soaking wet, Siska was even told to get out of the car.

"Yeah, I know what I'm doing is a mistake. But I'm already comfortable with her, Alexa. I can't just let it go. Need time to think. letting go of the people we love is very difficult," said Gea angrily. She turned to the bed and sat on the edge. "Without her, I'm still Gea who has nothing. I didn't dare to reject him until I slowly fell in love with him."

"Where did you meet him?" asked Alexa who had finished putting on makeup. She looks fresher and more beautiful even though she hasn't combed her hair.

"At the club, I work for," Gea replied.

"Don't tell me he bought you." Alexa got up from the chair and approached Gea with a comb and pointed it at Gea's face and looked at her very seriously.

Gea turned her face away. "Uh, of course not. We just got to know each other, giving phone numbers, and from then on . . . we slowly got closer," she stuttered.

tong tong ... ting tong...

"There is guest?" Gea glanced at the door. "Em, I better open the door and see who's coming."

"What if it's Miss Siska?" Alexa asked warily.

"Ah, no way," said Gea, getting up from the bed. She walked out of the room to quickly open the main door of the living room.

Alexa was silent near the bedroom door, peeking at Gea who opened the door. 'If that guest is Mrs. Siska, there will be a women's version of the third world war,' she thought.

After opening the door, Gea saw a man in a blue shirt with the name of a leading food delivery restaurant in Jakarta written on it, wearing a hat and carrying two medium-sized boxes with pictures of delicious food and the restaurant's name logo.

"Good afternoon, I'm delivering an order on behalf of Melvin for Miss Alexa," the man said as he handed over the two boxes.

"Oh, yes ... I'm Alexa's friend. She's in the room," replied Gea somewhat surprised.

"Please accept and sign," cried the man, showing him a small book.

Gea immediately received the food box and signed the booklet as a sign that she had received the food ordered. After that, the man said goodbye to leave immediately.

Alexa breathed a sigh of relief because it was not Siska who came. She smiled broadly as Gea approached her with two boxes of what looked like expensive and delicious food. "You ordered food... I happen to be hungry."

"This is food for you... from Melvin," said Gea with a smile.

"Huh, From Melvin?" Alexa was a bit surprised.

Gea brought the food box to the kitchen, followed by Alexa who was still curious as to why Melvin suddenly sent food for her.

"He seems to care about you. I feel like this is a sign," Gea muttered.

"What sign?" asked Alexa in surprise.

"Maybe he likes you," said Gea then opened the box of food that had been placed on the table. Her eyes widened in amazement at the type of food in the box.

"Wow...the food he sent was also unusual. It's luxurious. One serving can cost hundreds of thousands," she continued.

"But I didn't ask for food," said Alexa, still confused.

"Maybe he knows you're hungry that's why he ordered food for you anyways, if he didn't care, he wouldn't have done this. This is a good thing. He's a handsome guy and he cares about you..." Gea chuckled in admiration, looked at Alexa, and patted her on the shoulder. "I feel like he'll make you his girlfriend or even..."

Gea had imagined a romantic movie in which a poor girl fell in love with a rich man, and it was him and Alexa. Eh, I hope it's not just a shadow. but Alexa is still confused because Melvin's attitude is flat but seems to care about her since the moment she fell into the swimming pool.

"Ah, maybe it's just a coincidence. Because when he brought me here, he asked me to eat but I refused," said Alexa not wanting to get my hopes up.

"Wow, you were invited to eat together... it's a special thing. I have a feeling you will soon become his partner. Either a girlfriend or ... will be married," said Gea making it up even more. Looks like she's obsessed with romance films.