Staring at her sleeping

When the time shows seven o'clock in the evening, Alexa just got home from work. She went straight to her room and threw her body on the bed in a prone position, and slowly fell asleep because she was very tired.

Gea came out of the bathroom wearing only a bathrobe. She sighed when she saw Alexa who fell asleep even though she hadn't showered or eaten.

"Too bad. She works hard and the salary she will receive is only 20 percent. That chatty boss is outrageous!" Gea murmured a little annoying remembering how Siska's attitude was too much.

Gea turned to take her clothes from the closet. She took tight black underwear, a dark blue knee-length dress with open shoulders, and very tight with beads on several sides of the cloth, and then quickly put it on.

After wearing clothes, Gea moved to sit in front of the dressing table and immediately polished her face with a bit of thick makeup, and changed her hairstyle to a slightly curly style. Don't forget to spray rose-scented perfume on her sexy body.

"Alexa... Alexa!"

Gea calls Alexa to wake her up.

Alexa finally woke up but was lazy to get out of bed. "Why?" she asked very wearily.

"Have you had dinner?" she asked.

"No, I'm not hungry yet and now I just want to sleep…My waist and shoulders feel very sore," replied Alexa, turning to hug the pink bolster beside her until her dress was slightly exposed.

Gea sighed then looked back at her reflection in the mirror, immediately fixing her hair which she felt was not quite right. "I'm leaving for the club in a minute," she said.

"Yeah, just go," said Alexa.

"I'm waiting for an invitation," said Gea.

"Who will pick you up?Bastian?" asked Alexa rather lazily.

"No, the one who picked me up was the club's special bodyguard," replied Gea.

"Wow...You're like a princess, just want to go and get picked up by a bodyguard," Alexa mumbled with a smile but her eyes were closed.

"It's for my safety as a DJ at the club because a few days ago there was a businessman who wanted to date me but I refused. He is handsome and young but I can't accept his offer because I already have Bastian who is very kind to me. He is also good to you even though I sometimes feel that he is just a lying man. But he is royal and not stingy. I don't know how many tens of millions he has given me." Gea chattered while putting earrings in her ears. She glanced at Alexa who didn't even respond anymore and fell asleep again. Hmm, that means she's been talking in vain.


Melvin stopped his car in the parking area of the apartment where Gea and Alexa lived. He immediately got out of the car carrying a white plastic bag bearing the name of a popular shop in Indonesia. The man looked so cool in gray jeans combined with a white t-shirt and gray jacket and combed his hair in a pomade style.

Melvin contacted Alexa to inform him that he had arrived at the apartment. But his girlfriend did not answer at all.

"I'd better go straight to it," said Melvin walking with rather fast steps towards the apartment, still carrying his plastic bag.

Until a few minutes had passed, Melvin arrived in front of Gea's apartment unit and immediately knocked on the door.


The door opened, Melvin looked at Gea who was already looking sexy and beautiful, smiling kindly at him. "Is Alexa here?" with just a straight look.

"She's sleeping," said Gea, then walked into the house, inviting Melvin to come in.

"What time is she sleeping?" Melvin asked as he followed Gea.

Gea turned to look at Malvin and said, "she just got home and went straight to bed. Maybe she's tired."

"Okay then. I'll wait for her here until she wakes up," said Melvin then sat down on the sofa. He put the plastic he had been carrying on the table. Hmm, what exactly is in that plastic?

There was a moment of silence between them. Gea was confused. She's about to leave even though there are guests and Alexa hasn't woken up yet. "Uh, Melvin." finally she called the guest.

"Yes," said Melvin without turning his head

"Is it okay if I go? ...uh, you just wake Alexa up if she doesn't wake up soon."

"Yes, it's okay. Please go, let me accompany her," Melvin said with a flat look.

"What if she doesn't wake up soon?" asked Gea, worried that Alexa would continue to sleep until morning.

"I'll keep waiting for her, or maybe wake her up," said Melvin.

"Okay, then I'm leaving now," said Gea then took her small bag on the table then carried it, and walked out of the apartment. 'They are alone. What will happen next? I hope Alexa doesn't get caught.' she thought as she walked remembering Alexa who was still sleeping in her dress and hadn't even taken a shower.


Until about 30 minutes passed, Melvin waited for Alexa while playing on his smartphone. he was getting tired, restless, and also bored because his lover never woke up. The man put his smartphone on the table and then got up from the sofa, walked to the room to catch up with his lover.

Melvin opened the bedroom door very slowly until it slowly opened and saw Alexa still sleeping so soundly hugging the bolster.

"Cute," Melvin mumbled with a warm smile. He walked into the room very casually, putting his left hand in the side pocket of his pants. "She's even still wearing clothes like this afternoon. She must be so tired that she fell asleep before she could take a shower," he said then sat on the edge of the bed.

Melvin sat leaning on the headboard right next to Alexa. he did not immediately wake his lover but instead covered her and embraced her from the side and rubbed his head very gently. The man was silent, occasionally glancing at his lover who looked very comfortable even though he knew her heart was uncomfortable.

'I know you doubt me. I was impressed to force everything but ... I want to immediately move on from Joey. She has locked my heart all this time and I think you are the one who can open my heart again,' Melvin thought then lowered his head, kissing Alexa's temple because of her side sleeping position.

Alexa squirmed, changing her position until she unconsciously hugged Melvin's stomach very possessively and continued her very deep sleep.

Melvin smiled, kissed Alexa's forehead, and continued to gently stroke her hair while looking at her.

'You are a good girl, cute, beautiful, funny, and loving family. I'm sure, when you love me, then I will be very comfortable because your soul is indeed beautiful. I hope to love you soon ... I'm trying to stay close to you.'.Melvin continued to monologue with himself until he slowly fell asleep because he hadn't had time to rest since this afternoon.

They ended up sleeping together. Somehow Alexa panicked later when she woke up and realized that she had slept with a man. Anyways, Melvin's a jerk.