Saying goodbye

When they finished watching the movie together, Melvin finally decided to say goodbye. He was escorted by Alexa to the elevator with a leisurely walk hand in hand.

"Are you sad?" Melvin asked, glancing at Alexa who from the start he had said goodbye, already looked gloomy as if she didn't want to end their togetherness.

"Farewell will always leave scars, sadness, feeling of loss ... even if it's only for a moment," Alexa replied as she continued walking.

"If I had known it would turn out like this, I would never have been willing to go to Thailand," Melvin muttered glancing at Alexa then stopped because they had arrived in front of the elevator which looked very quiet. He positioned his body facing Alexa, then lowered his head holding her hands. "Don't be sad anymore. I'm leaving. I'll be back. I'll miss your pretty and cute face."

Alexa only responded by smiling and nodding but the tinge of sadness could not be covered.

"Are you coming with me? We're taking a walk there." Melvin finally offered a solution.

"That's impossible. I have job responsibilities." Alexa smirked and shook her head. "Just go. I'm okay."

"But you're sad. Honestly, I don't have the heart to go and it turns out that you don't like me going," Melvin said angrily, brushing his hair while looking at Alexa in frustration.

"I'm just like this. I get sad too easily but I'll get better soon...I'll always call you when I'm not busy," Alexa said with a reassuring smile. She happily ventured to tiptoe and kiss Melvin on the cheek. "An encouraging kiss."

Melvin smiled brightly and immediately looked down to return the kiss by kissing Alexa's lips. Reflexively his hand grabbed the nape of his lover's neck, making the kiss on the lips deeper.

"Emhhh ... Melvin, already," Alexa whispered backing her face but Melvin brought her closer again.

"I will continue to kiss you because you call me that title again," said Melvin again showering Alexa with his kisses. He almost kissed all over the girl's face with a very passionate and savage smile occasionally amused to see her trying to avoid but could not.

"Honey, that's... enough. Someone's going to see us later!" Alexa exclaimed in annoyance but smiled amusedly.

"Well, if that's the case, it's very comfortable to hear," said Melvin, finishing his action. He breathed a sigh of relief smiling at Alexa who was fixing her slightly messy hair.

"Next time don't be like this. I'm shy if someone sees it," Alexa exclaimed with pursed lips. She was lucky that there was no one other than her and Melvin, but of course, there were CCTV cameras in the corridor that recorded the incident of her kissing Melvin.

"Yes, love. I'm sorry, I'm too fond of you," said Melvin helping to brush Alexa's hair. He looked at the open elevator. "Now I will go. Take good care of yourself and don't forget to eat on time, rest and call me when I'm not busy," he continued with a warm smile.

"Yes ... be careful on the road and let me know when you arrive," Alexa exclaimed with a smile.

Melvin sighed, then kissed Alexa's forehead, rubbing her head. With heavy steps, he walked into the elevator and immediately pressed the button for the ground floor, then looked at Alexa who waved at him until she passed away because the elevator door was closed.

silent with his shoulders against the wall, that's what Melvin did while waiting for the elevator to open. His thoughts were on Alexa's attitude before they parted.

'Oh, God. I feel like I've made her fall in love with me... She's so innocent and so scared I'll leave her. .hopefully love will grow in my heart for her, I will not be able to leave her, I must learn to love her throw away my love for Joey. Joey is almost married which means I have to try to let it go. .she will live happily with Dante and I will try to be happy with Alexa.' he said in his heart, dreaming of Alexa's sweet smile.

The elevator door opened. Melvin immediately walked down the corridor until he exited the building and rushed to his parked car. When he was about to get in the car, the man looked up at the balcony in front of Alexa's room. He also reached into his pants pocket to take out his smartphone and tried to contact his girlfriend.

"Hello, Honey."

"Hello, why are you calling? Is there anything left?" asked Alexa over the phone sounding panicked?

"Yes, of course. I will always be left in your heart," said Melvin with a smile leaning his shoulder against the car body. "Now come out towards the balcony. I want to see you again before I go."


After a few seconds of waiting, Melvin finally saw Alexa who waved at him with a smile. He smiled back, imagining that she was his future because he had already dragged her into his life.

"I will miss you very much," Melvin said back to focus on the phone.

"Eh .. me too," said Alexa looking embarrassed because she was still smiling looking at Melvin from above.

"I'll be back as soon as I can. Now I have to hurry to the airport."

"I know. Go and don't be too fast."

"Yes, my love. I'm leaving now," said Melvin then kissed the phone with his eyes still focused on Alexa.

Alexa returned the distant kiss and the phone line was cut off. they waved at each other for a while and Melvin got into the car and drove it out of the hotel area.


Alexa breathed a sigh of relief, then went back into the room and closed the door leading to the balcony. She turned to sit on the edge of the bed, trying to contact her parents who had not communicated with her since yesterday.

"Hello, mom," said Alexa when she was connected to her mother, Fani.

"Hello, sweetheart. How are you, are you well?" asked Fani over the phone.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Mom," Alexa replied with a smile lying down, remembering the sweet moment a few hours ago. "are you still coughing and vomiting blood?"

"No, mommy used the money from you to try alternative medicine, and now mommy feels better ... no need to go to the hospital for a check-up," Fani answered from the phone. Her voice was heavy and now it sounded like she was coughing.

"Mom, don't lie. Mommy must diligently check up with the doctor even though the mother is undergoing alternative medicine. It's very important," Alexa exclaimed worriedly. Her happiness from being with Melvin had faded and was replaced with excessive worry for her mother.

"Mommy doesn't want you to spend any more money on mother's treatment. You don't have to worry, Mommy will be fine."

Alexa sighed, turning her body back against the pile of pillows. "If I could take a day off, I'd be able to see how mom is doing."

"Don't be sad, is fine. You focus on work and think only about your future. Do not think too much about the burden of our family problems. You deserve to be happy at the age you should be having fun with your friends, or maybe with your boyfriend." Fani instead diverts the conversation by discussing boyfriends.

"Boyfriend?" Alexa muttered ... She thought, her mother must have said this because all this time she knew that she was always alone and didn't think about romance.

"You already have a boyfriend, right? Don't be too focused on your family then you'll forget to find a mate."

"Eh ..." Alexa scratched her head that didn't itch, feeling hesitant to say that she was the boyfriend of a rich man.

"You have to find a life partner...Accept a man who dares to be serious in a relationship with you, not just dating. And you have to make sure he's a nice guy... polite, doesn't look at you physically, won't insult our poor family." Fani gave advice, occasionally sounded still coughing.

"Yes, Mom. I'll think about that," Alexa said with a bend in her face, wondering if maybe Melvin was a criterion like her mother said.