Feeling guilt

After almost 30 minutes of driving, Melvin finally arrived at his apartment. He immediately entered his apartment unit using the access card that only he owned and also owned by Alexa. the man walked while carrying his black coat in his left hand, staring at the very quiet room.

"Honey... Honey... are you asleep?" Melvin walked to the room through several rooms, across the stairs while calling Alexa.

Arriving at Melvin's room, he immediately opened the door and saw Alexa curled up on the bed as if she had fallen asleep. For some reason seeing his wife curled up the man felt a little guilty and realized his attitude since this afternoon since Joey fell.

"Oh my God ... I've forgotten my wife just because I was too focused and worried about Joey," Melvin said as he walked closer to Alexa. he put his coat on the edge of the bed then leaned down and kissed his wife's forehead gently saying, "I'm sorry."