Don't be jealous

At eight o'clock at night, Joey and Dante came out of Melvin's apartment. They walked leisurely down the corridor to the elevator that would take them to the ground floor.

"I want to go to mommy's house. Do you want to take me?" asked Joey as she walked hand in hand with Dante, she even embraced her husband's arm in a spoiled manner.

"What are you doing there? It's eight o'clock now, we'd better go home to rest . . . I mean we'll take a break and I'll do my work." Dante said with a straight look as if he didn't like Joey's attitude even more.

"Well then," said Joey in a disappointed tone.

After a few seconds, they arrived at the elevator which was still closed. They waited in silence for the elevator to open and a few people out. .one of those people was Olivia who immediately greeted Dante.