Bastian's revenge

Before shopping, Melvin invites Alexa to stop by a cafe for dinner because he is very hungry. They stopped by a monochrome cafe with orange lights not far from the supermarket location.

Melvin walked while holding Alexa's hand, along with the benches that were already occupied by visitors. His eyes seemed to focus on looking for an empty seat until he found a familiar figure.

"There's Joey and Dante," he said, pointing to a bench about five feet away from him.

"Well, we're approaching them," said Alexa.

Melvin nodded and immediately approached them with Alexa.

Joey, who was focusing on eating teriyaki chicken, noticed Alexa's arrival. "Alexa..."

Dante, who was eating pizza, turned to look at Melvin and Alexa who were now close.

"It is such a coincidence, we met here. Can we eat together?" asked Alexa with a smile.