Beat up Dante

When he made sure Alexa left, Melvin came back out of the office to a black car parked specifically for employee facilities. He immediately asked the parking attendant for the keys to enter the car and drive towards the highway. the man drove his car at high speed, headed towards Dante's company.

"I'm not going to let him relax after betraying Joey. I'm not going to let him breathe a sigh of relief and continue his lewd act!" mumbled Melvin while driving at high speed. Sometimes he hit the steering wheel with emotion, feeling sorry for letting Joey marry Dante.

'If I had been able to express my feelings for a long time, maybe you wouldn't be with Dante, but with me,' thought Melvin starting to regret his decision in the past but regret is useless because he already has a responsibility to make Alexa happy. yes, if he regrets Joey's suffering, then Alexa will also suffer because she accepts his fake love.

"FUCK!" growled Melvin.