Be selfish

After a few minutes, the doctor finally came home. Melvin and Alexa are still at Dante's house, accompanying Joey who is in shock.

"You can't go back to the Olympics," muttered Melvin, sitting on the edge of the bed close to Joey's feet while Alexa and Dante were on the couch.

"No, Melvin. I'm not going to stop. I'm sure I can do this," said Joey in a very low voice because she looked weaker and paler.

"It could harm your womb," said Melvin.

"No problem, I'll try to always be careful," said Joey adamantly.

Dante, who had been in the chair with Alexa playing with his phone, finally walked over to Joey. He looked at his wife in surprise, then sat down beside her.

"If you knew it would turn out like this, you should have been more careful, Dante," Melvin muttered with a disapproving look at Dante.

"What do you mean?" asked Dante.