Feel disappointed

When it was three o'clock in the afternoon, Melvin stopped his car in front of a medium-sized house with Indonesian characteristics with cream-colored walls painted with pillars. The man immediately got out of the car which was still Vera's car, then walked towards the main door and knocked on it.

Tokkk... Tokkk... Tokk ...

It only took a few seconds for the door to open. Andreas looks like he just woke up, dressed in gray Jogger pants combined with a red sweater and combing his hair with a haircut style.

"Melvin," said Andreas with a look as if he couldn't believe what he saw. "You're really in here..what's wrong?" he asked.

"I have something important to say, let me in for a moment," said Melvin with a flat look.

"Of course, please come in," said Andreas then walked into the living room followed by Melvin.