fool Joey

Olivia looked at Joey awkwardly for a moment, then tried to relax and smile. "I've returned from Singapore. But this is only temporary because this is only to take care of my marriage," she said.

"You're getting married?" Joey looked surprised, then remembered that Olivia had seen have a boyfriend. "Ah, yes. It must be that man who will marry you. I don't know who I forgot his name. But I'm really happy to hear this news."

Olivia smiled nodding but that smile seemed to hold a wound, making Joey curious, especially since her face looked pale.

"But you look like you're not okay. Are you sick?" asked Joey as she invited Olivia to sit beside her, opposite Dante. Dante immediately lowered his head, feeling uncomfortable with this situation. Oh, yes of course. The two women who are pregnant with his child are now together.