Arrive in Kalimantan

At midnight Kalimantan Time, Samarinda city to be exact, Alexa and Gea arrived at a hotel where they would stay temporarily before finding a new place to live. They got out of the taxi and walked towards the main door of the hotel, which was so majestic in whitish green with sparkling white lights.

"Gea, I think the cost of lodging here will be expensive. I only have ten million to meet our needs as long as I don't have a job," Alexa mumbled as she dragged her suitcase and carried a medium-sized black bag. "I also need a new phone. No company will accept me if I don't have a phone."

"You take it easy, I have a lot of money," said Gea with a smile but looked weak.

"You just check-in. I'll wait here," said Alexa walking towards the available seats while Gea immediately booked a room.