Hiding identity

Upon arrival at the hospital, Gea immediately signed up for an examination at the obstetrician. After that, she and Alexa waited in a silver waiting chair, along with pregnant women who were also waiting in line.

"Ishhh, I never thought I would be in this position," muttered Gea, glancing at the pregnant woman in front of her. Some are with their husbands, some are alone.

"You are a real woman, you will be in this position," said Alexa casually.

"Yeah I know, but I never guessed that I'm like this without a husband." Gea suddenly sad, remembering Leon who was always sweet and spoiled but also always protective. "If Leon didn't betray, maybe he's still with me, taking me to check the womb."

"Don't be sorry, if you want to come back, then come back because your child will also need a biological father figure," Alexa exclaimed dreamily. She wasn't excited because she kept thinking about Melvin.