Talk from heart to heart

Inside the recovery room which has a whitish blue color, Gea has already regained consciousness. She lay on her side slightly, turning her face away from Leon who was sitting on the chair on the right side of the bed.

"You better go because I don't want to see your face again!" cried Gea. remembering how Lion had betrayed her love by cheating on her, made her sick, and didn't want to see her face again.

"Gea, I know I was wrong and probably don't deserve your forgiveness..but, I hope you give me a chance to make up for everything by making you happy with our son," Leon said with a bend in his face.

"He's not your son!"

Leon smirked. "How can you say that he is not my son?" he asked.

"Because he isn't your know I'm not a good girl and used to sleep with other men. So, the son is not your son," Gea replied with annoyance but pain in her heart when she covered all of this from Leon.

"Is that true?"