Keep silent

Alexa and Melvin are on their way to Julian's company. They both sat in the passenger seat while it was David who was driving. Throughout the journey, the husband continued to hold his wife's hand as if he did not want to be left for a second.

"You can drive, but why do you have to use a driver?" Alexa asked, remembering this was not Melvin's habit.

Melvin silently glanced at Alexa with a tinge of sadness on his face.

"Why?" Alexa asked confused.

"It does not matter. I just miss you too much," said Melvin then rested his head on Alexa's shoulder. for some reason, every time he saw his wife who never wanted to smile again like before, and then remembered the statement that she didn't love him much anymore and was always sick of seeing him, his heart hurt so much.

Alexa felt confused, glanced at Melvin who was not at all excited. "What's wrong with you?" She asked.