Different morning

In the morning Melvin had woken up first even now had a shower and looked neat wearing basic pants and a yellowish-white shirt. He buttoned the button on his wrist while glancing at Alexa who was still sleeping even though she usually always woke up first, but now she still looks very sound.

Drett... Drettt... Drettt

Alexa's phone on the table by the bed rang to the tune of Ellie Goulding's song "Flux."

Melvin walked closer to the table and then sat on the edge of the bed while reaching for the sophisticated object and saw that there was an incoming call from the contact number called "My boss".

"Hello," said Melvin, already answered the call.

"Hello, Melvin. Where's your wife?" asked a man over the phone.

"She's still sleeping," said Melvin.