Pregnancy effect

After bathing and wearing the clothes chosen by Alexa, Melvin switched to sitting on the couch while watching tv while Alexa was taking a shower.


Alexa came out of the walk-in closet with a more relaxed appearance and already looked fresh in her yellowish-white pajamas. She walked over to the dressing table and sat on a chair, stroking her messy hair with a small towel.

Melvin, who was happy because he was about to become a father, approached Alexa. He stood behind his wife and took the hairdryer, intending to help dry her hair.

"After this, I think we should go to the hospital," he said.

"What for?" asked Alexa with her flat gaze looking at her reflection in the mirror with Melvin.

"Of course to check your pregnancy in detail," said Melvin.

"But I'm lazy."