Alexa's worries

A few days passed...

Alexa has successfully resigned from the company where she works because she feels threatened and uneasy at Bastian's words the other day. She was forced to postpone his departure to Yogyakarta because Melvin had to finish his work.

Leon had told Melvin that a few days ago before resigning and acting strange, Alexa had a meeting at a company where Bastian worked as an OB. This made Melvin think that maybe Alexa's strange attitude was related to Bastian's presence and suddenly wanted to resign and go to Yogyakarta as soon as possible. He also asked Leon to spy on Bastian.

Olivia is increasingly unable to move because Dante doesn't play with his words. Her husband hired two bodyguards to look after Celine, so every time she was going to take her away when Dante was at work, the bodyguard always stopped her.
