About kissmark

At six o'clock in the morning, Melvin woke up when he felt a chill hit his body. He glanced around and realized that he was still sleeping on the floor with Alexa naked on the blanket. Gosh, it must be cold!

"Damn it, why did I even sleep so early here? maybe Alexa will be sick because it's too cold." Melvin glanced at Alexa who hugged him tightly. He slowly released the hug, then took his underwear and pants.

After wearing clothes, Melvin carried Alexa and moved her to the bed, then put a blanket up to her chest. He went to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth.


In her yellowish-white kitchen equipped with modern furniture and complete kitchen utensils, Fani is preparing breakfast.

"Dear, don't Alexa and Melvin look awake yet?" asked Nata who had just entered the kitchen and then sat on a chair at the dining table.

"No, maybe they are tired, so they are a bit late," replied Fani, who was washing rice in the sink.