Alexa craves young mango

When it was 10 in the morning, Alexa was helping her mother to dry clothes beside the house while Melvin was in the living room having a virtual meeting using a laptop.

"After this, where will mommy go?" asked Alexa, who looked fresher in her yellow and white dress with open sleeves, light make-up, and letting her slightly wet hair down just like that.

"Mommy going to rest for a while, then after that Dad will go to the shop to deliver breakfast because your dad hasn't had breakfast since," replied Fani, shaking off the slightly wet clothes and then drying them on the clothesline. The middle-aged woman also looks fresh wearing a long black-brown dress combined with a dark green top.

Alexa also hung Melvin's shirt and said, "Daddy's habits never change. Always eat breakfast at 11 or 10."