An incident

The noise from the vehicles, people crossing without paying any heed to traffic signs, and the sound of car horns blaring were the worst welcome Melvin had ever felt in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the city.

Plus the side of the road adjacent to the shock market adds to the noise and air pollution that mixes into one.

Melvin parked the car in a place that was quite spacious, but solid. He unbuckled his seatbelt, put on a mask, then opened his car door. Alexa and the others immediately went downstairs and looked at the bustling market atmosphere.

"Mommy and Axel are going to buy ingredients to and Melvin are shopping for cakes and snacks," Fani exclaimed while looking at Alexa who was wearing a black face mask given by Melvin.

"Yes, mom," said Alexa, nodding.