
When the time shows 1 pm, Alexa has not yet realized. This made Melvin feel even more restless because he was worried that her womb or her health was threatened. They are still in the common room with his wife while Fani and Axel are looking for food outside because they haven't had breakfast yet.

"Honey, why aren't you awake yet? Please wake up...don't make me worry...I'm so worried about you." Melvin said sadly, looking at Alexa who didn't respond at all.

Drett... Drettt....

Melvin immediately answered the call on his phone, which turned out to be a call from his mother.

"Hello, Mom."

"Melvin, how is Alexa. Is she awake?" asked Elena sounding worried.

"Not yet, Mom," said Melvin.

"Oh my God. Have you received a definite statement from the doctor regarding her condition?"

"Not yet, Mom. She will have another checkup once she wakes up. But for some reason, she hasn't woken up yet. I'm really confused...."