Advice from Melvin and Alexa

The next day...

When the time shows 07.30 am, Melvin still preparing to go to the office. He was escorted by Alexa to the terrace, while Leon immediately got into the car without paying attention to Gea who was sitting in the side garden holding Glen. .mOf course it was a strange thing for them because usually the husband and wife would play with their baby before leaving for work.

"What's wrong with them?" asked Alexa while looking at Gea who was staring at the car that Leon was riding in which was Melvin's car because they were leaving together.

"Maybe it's just a difference of understanding," said Melvin casually.

"But this is more different than usual, poor Gea," said Alexa angrily. She looked at Gea who was still wearing pajamas like last night because she probably hadn't had time to take a shower.