A request

A few days passed after the baby shower event...

At 4 p.m. Alexa and Melvin had just taken Nata and Fani to the airport because they were going back to Yogyakarta. Now, they are on their way back to the apartment...

"Honey, maybe tomorrow I'll be out of town," said Melvin, glancing at Alexa who was sitting beside him casually eating a potato-flavored snack.

Alexa glanced at Melvin with an eyebrow raised. "Out of town?"

"Yeah, I have work to do...This is very important due to a big project of one of my clients. Because I'm the biggest investor who supports the project, then I have to come," explained Melvin casually.

Alexa sighed. "I'll be in the apartment alone."

"Aira is coming today. She can be your friend….I'm only gone for a day after all," Melvin exclaimed, holding out his left hand to take Alexa's Snack and eat it. "I'll also ask Joey and Jason to accompany you. So you're not lonely."