Expressing longing for the wife

It was almost noon, Alexa returned to the room after the in-laws and the baby room designer had left. She sat on the edge of the bed and leaned her back against the pile of pillows. The woman took her phone from her coat pocket then saw that there were several incoming messages from her husband.

My Possessive husband: honey, I've arrived in Surabaya...

My Possessive husband: Honey why don't you answer my calls? I miss you ...

My Possessive husband: Honey where are you? Are you taking a nap... Has Aira come to accompany you?

please call me when you have read these messages... I miss you, I'm worried about you too. I feel like I just want to go home!

Alexa had a smile on her lips, imagining Melvin being agitated just because he didn't answer her calls. instead of making her husband more worried and going home before finishing his business, the woman also intended to contact her husband.

Drett... Drett... Drettt