good advice from Julian

In the apartment lobby, on a white chair, Alexa chatted with Julian while enjoying mango juice made by Aira. They sat side by side but across from each other at a glass table where two glasses of juice were available and there were also ornamental flowers in brownish-white ceramic vases.

"So, how long will you stay in Jakarta?" Alexa asked, feeling more relaxed because there was an unrelated conversation about Melvin and Laura's problems.

"Probably just a few days, then I will return to Kalimantan for a few days…then will come back here again and continue like that," answered Julian casually.

"You seem to be getting busy."

"Yeah... So busy that I don't have time to find a mate."

"Too bad... You should have started thinking about your soul mate from now on...You need a companion who will always support and care for you," Alexa said seriously.