
Alexa woke up early in the morning because she remembered Melvin's message before going to bed last night. The pregnant woman immediately got out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth, then returned to the room again. she polished her lips with lip gloss so they wouldn't look pale, then went back to her husband who was still sleeping.

"Honey ... Honey, wake up. Now it's time to see the sunrise," Alexa called while brushing Melvin's hair.

"I'm dizzy," said Melvin languidly, then wrapped his arms around Alexa's belly. "I'm hungry too ... I want to eat something warm and not too sweet ... I'm also heated," he continued.

Alexa was silent with her eyes looking at the clock on the wall which showed the time at five in the morning, which means sunrise will appear in about 30 minutes. She glanced back at Melvin who was dizzy which might be the effect of drunkenness.