Isabelle Alexis Orlando

Inside the surgery room, which is very bright and bluish-white, Alexa is undergoing a cesarean section to give birth to her baby. She lay half numb, staring at the ceiling imagining her belly being opened by the doctors who were treating her. She also wore light blue clothes, wore headgear and oxygen, and had an IV in her hand.

"What took you so long?" Alexa whispered.

"Patience, it will be finished soon," said Melvin who was sitting near Alexa. He also wears a light blue hospital gown and a head covering.

"I want to throw up," Alexa said with an uncomfortable look.

"Go ahead if you want to throw up," said the nurse who was also near Alexa. She placed a large stainless container like a bucket near the head of the bed.

"But I can't seem to throw up ... I'm just nauseous and keep getting sick," said Alisa more and more uncomfortable."My body is shaking… is my baby going to be taken now?"